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South Africa 1853 Medal

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    South Africa 1853 Medal

    I was looking through some of the back pages of the Commonwealth forum,
    yesterday, and found a number of terrific threads started by Tony
    Farrell on the subject of Victorian medals. Basically Tony detailed
    the campaigns behind each medal and showed an example of the obverse
    and reverse of the medal in question.

    I'm going to attempt to do the same today with one that Tony didn't
    mention, the South Africa 1853 medal for the Kaffir Wars. As I don't
    have the computer-like brain that Tony has I'm getting all of my
    references from Everson, Mayo, and Gordon.

    The obverse, designed by William Wyon, features the diameded head of
    Queen Victoria (ie: the young profile with the tiara) surrounded by the
    legend VICTORIA REGINA (she was not Empress of India yet so no ET

    The reverse, designed by Leonard Wyon (modeller and engraver to the
    Royal Mint and son of William Wyon) has been the centre of some debate
    and controversy over the years. Many, including Major L.L. Gordon -
    author of "British Battles and Medals", think that it is of a lion
    stooping to drink in front of a Proteus bush (a bush very common to
    South Africa). In fact, according to Everson, the lion - representing
    Africa - is prostrating itself in a token of submission; in heraldic
    terms it is "Couchant". It is interesting to note that the
    Undersecretary of State for War at the time, Sir Frederick Peel (son
    of Prime Minister Sir Robert Peel and brother of Sir William Peel, VC)
    wrote that "I hope the Lion doing penance will not be taken for the
    British Lion". I have read that some did take it for this and thus the
    controversy - however this is clearly not the case.

    The Kaffir Wars are some of the least known of Victorian Britain's
    "small" 19th Century wars. The last of the campaigns predate the more
    famous Zulu and Basuto Wars by some 20-odd years. Nevertheless,
    despite not having a regiment wiped out, as at Isandhlwana, or mounting
    an epic defence as at Rorke's Drift, the British soldiers and Native
    levies experienced incredible hardships while fighting a well-armed,
    fierce, and brave enemy. Medals were only issued to survivors and some
    10 210 were issued (out of 10 500 struck).

    The medal covers three campaigns: 1834-5, 1846-7, and 1850-3. There
    were no bars issued for the medal and the only way of finding out which
    campaign a medal was awarded for is to check the man's name on the
    rolls. The exergue of the reverse is dated 1853 - the year the last
    campaign ended.

    The first campaign was essentially a punitive expedition. I love this
    term. Essentially, the natives get uppity and the British Army is sent
    in to give the buggers a good thrashing, then it's back to Pimms and
    cricket. In this case the natives, under Chief Hintza, raided the
    Portuguese port at Delgoa Bay in December 1834, killed the Governor and
    startd raiding into British Kaffraria. After a ride of 600 miles in 6
    days, Sir Harry Smith arrived to put things right. By April 1835,
    Hintza was captured and peace treaties were signed - Hintza is later
    killed while trying to escape. The first campaign was over but native
    raids continued over the next several years - and British troops saw
    some action during that period.

    In March 1846, 40 warriors under Chief Tola attack an escort taking a
    Kaffir prisoner to trial on charges of stealing an axe. A Hottentot
    prisoner to whom the other was manacled was killed, and thus began the
    2nd campaign - also known as the War of the Axe (I'm not making this
    stuff up - don't ever steal tools from the British Army!!) Anyway,
    those pesky natives were now better armed and some were equipped as
    well as the British soldiers. Two divisions were sent to Kaffirland
    and encountered stronger than expected resistance. However, on June
    8th the massed warriors of two tribes are caught out in the open and
    suffer heavy losses at the Battle of Guanga. By November, the chiefs
    starting to surrender one by one, the war is felt to be over. However,
    occasional raiding by natives continues the war until constant
    patrolling, between July-October of 1847, by British regulars starves
    the Kaffir tribes. The two main chiefs surrender and the axe thief is
    returned to British custody....and everything is Pimms and cricket

    That is until October 1850 when the Kaffir tribes began adopting an
    increasingly warlike attitude. Sir Harry Smith meets with the chiefs
    and deposes the main instigator, Sandili. Smith returns to the Cape
    convinced he has settled things. Two months later 40 settlers are
    murdered and the 3rd campaign starts. The Kaffir warriors escape to
    the mountains and begin a 3 year campaign of hard fighting in
    mountainous and wooded terrain. This made things very difficult for
    the British forces but, over time, also divided the Kaffir rebels and
    forced their eventual surrender in March 1853.

    Of note, disaster struck British troops arriving in South Africa when the troopship Birkenhead struck a rock and sank on February 26th, 1852. The bravery and discipline of the British troops, who were told to stand fast in
    ranks to allow civilians to take to the lifeboats first - and did as
    they were ordered with great calmness, so impressed King William of
    Prussia that he had the story read out in every Prussian barracks.

    Anyway, that's my take on the South Africa 1853 medal - I think it's
    certainly one of the most interesting of the Victorian medals and
    definitely not common. The example below is named to Absalom Hale,
    Private in the 2nd Regiment of Foot. I'll tell his story later, but
    now it's time for bed!

    My sources for this write up are listed below - I'd like to hear
    comments from anyone - I'm sure I missed quite a bit - I stand here, waiting to be corrected.


    Everson, G.R. "The South Africa 1853 Medal". London: Samson Books
    Ltd., 1978.

    Gordon, Major L.L. "British Battles and Medals: Campaign Medals from
    1588". Aldershot: Wellington Press, 1962.

    Mayo, J.H. "Medals and Decorations of the British Army and Navy"
    Westminster: Archibald Constable and Company, 1897. reprinted by Naval
    and Military Press.

    Attached Files
    Last edited by Greeves; 10-23-2004, 09:24 AM.

    The reverse:
    Attached Files


      Naming: Roman block capitals.
      Attached Files


        Nice manicure Geoff....


          Pis* off!


            Nice looking gong there Geoff...looking forward to hearing about the recipient.




              Eee! Ya can't beat a bit of Vicky tin. You have taunted me with this particular item before, but it's nice to see it in the appropriate forum. And no, I haven't covered this particular issue - 'cause I ain't got one! Rest assured, when that cheque from the Islamabad Institute for Testicular Research comes a flappin' through my letterbox, I'll pencil one in. In fact, it's already pencilled in... in bright red marker pen: along with an East & West, Northwest Canada, New Zealand, Ashantee, and some early Afghan & Scinde gongs.

              So many gongs, so little money, so little time... and one less testicle. It's sad when one has to vend one's vital organs to fund one's 'hobby', but by the time I've finished flogging chunks of offal to asian clinics, the only thing I'll have left to flog is my arse. Pier 13 at Felixtowe Docks it is then. Midnight... no pressure!


                Originally posted by Adam J. Haslett
                Nice looking gong there Geoff...looking forward to hearing about the recipient.


                Will have the details posted later in the evening - still putting the last bits of research together...stay tuned!


                  Originally posted by Tony Farrell
                  Eee! Ya can't beat a bit of Vicky tin. You have taunted me with this particular item before, but it's nice to see it in the appropriate forum. And no, I haven't covered this particular issue - 'cause I ain't got one! Rest assured, when that cheque from the Islamabad Institute for Testicular Research comes a flappin' through my letterbox, I'll pencil one in. In fact, it's already pencilled in... in bright red marker pen: along with an East & West, Northwest Canada, New Zealand, Ashantee, and some early Afghan & Scinde gongs.

                  So many gongs, so little money, so little time... and one less testicle. It's sad when one has to vend one's vital organs to fund one's 'hobby', but by the time I've finished flogging chunks of offal to asian clinics, the only thing I'll have left to flog is my arse. Pier 13 at Felixtowe Docks it is then. Midnight... no pressure!
                  I agree about Vicky's medals being hard to beat - I actually have you to thank (or blame) for getting my interest going in these things...expensive but lovely!

                  Now, I wish you good luck down at Pier 13 and all - but having seen your picture before I reckon that by Christmas you'll have earned just enough to buy a renamed Victory Medal to the ASC...


                    Uppity bloody colonials, wot? Hah!

                    Tony, I was going to send you the below for Christmas...

                    But now I think I'd be wiser to post a few ice packs and an economy sized tub of Preparation H....

                    Mad git!


                    Looking forward to reading the details on this fellow!


                    Attached Files


                      Good come back...
                      Originally posted by Greeves
                      Pis* off!


                        2652 Pte Absalom Hale, 2nd Regiment of Foot

                        I promised details on the recipient so here goes - the research is not quite as complete as I would like it to be, but I've hit a few walls so this will have to do for now.

                        Absalom Hale enlisted in the 2nd Regiment of Foot at Cirencester, Gloucestershire, on 8 April 1851. He was 20 years old and stood 5'7 3/8" tall. He was paid a bounty of 3 pounds/10 shillings for joining up. What I find curious about this is that the 2nd of Foot was the county regiment of West Surrey, whose main town is Guildford. Cirencester is known as the "capital of the Cotswolds" and is found in the south (I think) of Gloucester - home of the
                        61st Regiment of Foot. The 61st, after amalgamating with the 28th in 1881, would become the famous Gloucestershire Regiment - the Glorious Glosters. But I digress, the main question is: why did a man, presumably from Gloucestershire, enlist in Gloucestershire in a Surrey regiment? Perhaps someone else knows - and I'd love for you to tell me...the enlistement roll shows one other man enlisting in Cirencester on the same day; both enlisted at "District" as opposed to "Headquarters" if that gives anyone a clue.

                        The mystery of his enlistment nothwithstanding, Hale did not remain in England long. In June 1851 the 2nd Queen's embarked at Queenstown, Ireland, in 3 contingents, for the Cape Colony. The smallest group had an uneventful trip aboard HMS Cyclops, those aboard the Sumner had to fight a fire that broke out at one point, and the largest contingent - of which Pte Hale was a member - suffered "a series of mishaps" but still made it to Simon's Bay by August 8th. I can find no details as to what these "mishaps" were - but it is a bit eerie that Hale went to South Africa in the same ship, that only 6 months later was involved in one of the great maritime disasters of the 19th Century. HMS Birkenhead which sank while rounding the Cape of Good Hope on a return journey to South Africa in February 1852. Of the 650 people on board, only 193 would survive. (The story of HMS Birkenhead's sinking is an epic tale of gallantry - a google search for "Birkenhead" brings up a number of good sites).

                        Once arrived in the Cape - Hale and his mates were immediately marched to King William's Town and they were in action soon after that. On September 1st, at Committy's Hill, the 2nd was confronted by a large body of Kaffirs concealed in trees. The Queen's men endured a heavy fusilade and took their first casualties. Among these were several bandsmen who were still wearing their distinctive white regimental jackets - and were singled out because the Kaffirs assumed they were of superior rank. During the Fish River operations in mid-September, the 2nd, in desperate fighting alongside the Grenadier Guards, would lose 30 killed and 17 wounded. Later on in the campaign, Hale and his fellow Queen's men would take part in mountain operations in the Kroome and Waterkloof ranges - Hale would also endure the rigours of several long forced marches.

                        Although by the end of 1853 the campaign was over - Hale would remain - along with the rest of his regiment - in the Cape Colony for an additional 8 years. During this period, Abasalom Hale would experience more action during the troubles on the Cape Frontier in 1856-7 and he participated in an expedition across the Orange River. At the end of this time there was no return to England - instead, Hale would be fighting again - this time in China.

                        Getting to China would not be much fun for Hale and his pals. They were encamped briefly in East London - in early March of 1860 - before boarding their troopships - and during this encampment a flash flood tore through the bivouacs. No casualties were sustained but every soldier suffered a heavy loss of personal possessions. There is a strong chance that Hale embarked for Hong Kong aboard HMS Vulcan, and if he did, he would have arrived safely in Hong Kong on May 7th, but not before experiencing a severe storm that drove the Vulcan far off her course. The battalion was sent to the North of China and were present at the capture of the Taku Forts. One would think, naturally, that Hale would be eligible for this bar on the China War medal of 1860. He is, however, not. He is one of only 30 men from the 2nd of Foot who were eligible for the bar Pekin 1860. It is surmised that he missed the action at the forts because he was either sick or on attachment to a labour party of some sort. That would make sense - I am not sure why, at this point, Hale and 29 others qualified for the Pekin 1860 bar - but I'm hoping to find out some time.

                        After Johnny Chinee was all sorted out, the 2nd (Queen's) Regiment of Foot embarked for India for an extended stay. 2652 Pte Absalom Hale would not be joining his friends, however. Instead, he sailed from Hong Kong on HMS Indomitable and arrived in Portsmouth on 6 May 1861 - 9 years and 11 months after setting sail for Africa.

                        On 31 May 1861, having served the Colours for 10 years and 53 days, and in receipt of 2 Good Conduct badges (thus eligible for an extra 2 pennies' pay), Absalom Hale was discharged from The Queen's as a time expired soldier.

                        I cannot find any listing for Absalom Hale in the 1901 Census - so he was either dead (he would be 70) or had left England to find his fortune elsewhere - perhaps one of the Colonies...maybe even Canada. Who knows.

                        One unfortunate note. As many of you know there was a break-in at the regimental museum of The Queen's Royal Surrey Regiment and over 1000 medals were stolen. This happened just over a year ago. Hale's South Africa 1853 medal is not one of those listed as stolen...but his China War medal with bar Pekin 1860 is. This is one group that will probably never be reunited and certainly never by me. A well respected writer and researcher told me a couple of months ago that he remembered seeing the Hale China medal on a dealer's list but couldn't remember which one...ah well.

                        So, still some work to be done on old Absalom - but that gives you a general idea of how he spent his 10 years in uniform.
                        Last edited by Greeves; 10-19-2004, 12:16 PM. Reason: didn't proof read the first time through...


                          Excellent write up there Geoff. As for his 'choice' of regiment? Maybe he was just glad to get out of Cirencester (one of the few English towns without a railway station). It's more likely he fell foul of another county regiment's recruiting party - as that other enlistee suggests.


                            Glad you enjoyed it Tony - your theory about his choice of regiments seems fairly logical to me. Thanks for your thoughts!


                              Beautiful medal Geoff, to me the early head Queen Victoria medals are unsurpassed in terms of quality.

                              Great research too, I'd love to know what happened to him. Eagerly waiting the next installment.


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