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Nelson - Trafalgar Wallhanger Question??

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    Nelson - Trafalgar Wallhanger Question??

    Hello All,

    I won this Nelson and the Battle of Trafalgar wallhanger in a lot on eBay several years ago. It came from Nova Scotia and I have absolutely no clue as to what I have? I'm thinking that it could possibly be a Commemorative piece for the 100th anniversary of the battle, but really don't know.

    Does anyone have any ideas exactly what it was for? Approximate value?

    The anchors and picture frames are thin stamped brass. Anchors measure exactly 2-3/4" top to bottom. No hallmarks that I can find. The celluloid covers, as you can see have yellowed from age and two are broken.


    Nelson Anchor...


      England Anchor...


        Trafalgar Anchor...


          The Victory Anchor...


            Reverse of an anchor...


              This appears to be some sort of patriotic-commemorative creation. Quite possibly done up for the 100th anniversary as you say but with no history behind it, quite difficult to say. It certainly looks like it could be 100+ years old.

              Unofficial items like this are always a bugger to put a finger on. It's still a neat bit of Naval regalia.

              Whereabouts in Nova Scotia did it come from Gary? I'm in Halifax, perhaps I might have some luck digging up some info for you...




                just a thought...

                Hi ,

                During the Victorian era there was a cult following of Nelson and associated regalia ,he was continually portrayed as the Victorian hero.

                This stemns from the tun of the century and is a souverner in rememberence.

                of interest i own an original first striking Davidson trafalgar medal issued to seamen who took part at the battle .


                  Adam - It was won in a box lot of Commonwealth badges, insignia and pins close to four years ago on eBay, so my memory is rather fuzzy, but I do think it was Halifax? An antique dealer there. As you suggest, things like this are really hard to pinpoint an exact age on, but the small pictures just looked very old to me. They are made of little dots as are old news article pictures in newspapers and books from the turn of the last century.

                  Steve - Thanks for the additional information. I did a Google on Nelson and Trafalgar and can readily understand why there was a Nelson cult following, even a hundred years later. Very interesting part of British Naval history and you are very fortunate to own an original 1st strike medal from a seaman of this battle.

                  Do these remembrance hanger pieces have any value?



                    Hi Gary, it is a nice little item. Anything Nelson related will always sell. Next year would be the time to move it on, if you so desired, as 2005 will see the big 200 years anniversary of the battle. There will be plenty on the TV over here, in fact there was a very good programme on only last week, so interest should peak. I don't collect this kind of stuff so I cannot help on a value, sorry.

                    Cheers, Ade.



                      Thanks for the insight into my wallhanger. With the 200th anniversary one year away this month, it gives me plenty of time to decide on what I should do with it. Like you, I don't collect this type of thing, but it is rather pretty, so I might just keep it in my small Commonwealth collection?



                        The cult of personality is nothing new. Even before Nelson's demse at Trafalgar he was internationally famous - and Nelsoniana was widespread: jugs, pots, medallions, wall hangings etc. News of his defeat of the frogs at the Battle of the Nile was received with rapturous adulation in England - a bit like David Beckham single-handedly finding & killing Osama bin Laden. Difficult to grasp from a modern perspective I know, but that's how it was. What you have could originate from any time between now & Trafalgar itself really.
                        Last edited by Tony Farrell; 10-15-2004, 11:41 AM.


                          Originally posted by Adrian Stevenson
                          ... 2005 will see the big 200th anniversary of the battle, so interest should peak.
                          Unfortunately it will, and the chances of me ever being able to afford a Trafalgar clasped NGS slips forever further from my sweaty grasp.



                            Please excuse my ignorance, but what exactly is a Trafalgar clasped NGS?



                              Hi Gary, the medal Tony desires is the Naval General Service medal 1793 -1840. I am sure Tony can tell you more about it

                              Cheers, Ade.


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