Hello Members,
This helmet is in my collection for 1 year, and I know little about it.
It looks like a modified MkI helmet but has no rim around the visor. The shell has a rough sandy texture and a MK II liner. The chinstrap is a two piece chinstrap with springs and the chinstrap lugs are marked MK III.
the inside of the shell bears 2 markings in ink (7 and FW broad arrow) and a number stamped in the visor.
Is there someone who can tell me more about this helmet ( nationality, WW II are post war use, explanation on the markings ect..)
This helmet is in my collection for 1 year, and I know little about it.
It looks like a modified MkI helmet but has no rim around the visor. The shell has a rough sandy texture and a MK II liner. The chinstrap is a two piece chinstrap with springs and the chinstrap lugs are marked MK III.
the inside of the shell bears 2 markings in ink (7 and FW broad arrow) and a number stamped in the visor.
Is there someone who can tell me more about this helmet ( nationality, WW II are post war use, explanation on the markings ect..)