What is you opinion about this G & S para helmet?
The seller told me he bought it in France during a Holiday a few years ago.
I'm told that the G & S helmets always date 1943 and they supported BMB
during a short (sub)contract period in making the liners and webbing.
There is a discussion about the involvement of these helmets in the Market Garden operation. I don't care as long as this helmet had been involved in WWII it's Ok te me. The 6th airborne could be equiped with these.
Kind Regards, Michel
The seller told me he bought it in France during a Holiday a few years ago.
I'm told that the G & S helmets always date 1943 and they supported BMB
during a short (sub)contract period in making the liners and webbing.
There is a discussion about the involvement of these helmets in the Market Garden operation. I don't care as long as this helmet had been involved in WWII it's Ok te me. The 6th airborne could be equiped with these.
Kind Regards, Michel