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KC Parachute Regiment Cap Badges - The Triple Die Flaw Example

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    I've just been emailed some good photos of one these triple die flaw badges. I don't actually have one yet but certainly from photos it seems too good to be a fake, the back is very crisp.


      Thanks for your attention Jim. I`ll be happy when I see a genuine veteran obtained example, seams like all the photos Ade posted in well respected museums do not have these flaws........that is my worry.

      Are there any triple die flaws to be found in books?

      A very astute member here also picked up on the fact there is another flaw at the bottom of the crown and why has the left wing on the reverse so lumpy at the tip?

      I`ll leave you to work your magic Jim.
      Last edited by yellow; 08-01-2008, 04:05 PM.


        Originally posted by yellow View Post
        A very astute member
        I've never been called astute, should I worry now?



          Originally posted by yellow View Post
          This is something Ive been wondering about for a while. Those KC Parachute Regiment cap badges with the triple die flaw, maybe I`m just nit picking here but all the none voided crown examples shown on the forum look like 1.

          Badges 1 and 2 have been inspected by Jack and he said they were fine and when I asked him about the die flaw on the canopy he said he had never seen that before, that got me worried!

          I now have two badges in my collection that have these flaws.

          What is your opinion regarding the tripple die flaw badges? Has anyone else got one in their collection?

          Just curious but is it possible to show the rear of these badges please?



            Here's mine:



              Here's what we would consider No1 on Steves first picture I can't see any die flaws on this worn example but certainly a very interesting thread..
              Attached Files


                Another thing I dont like about them is all that mottling on the back, Ive never seen a white metal badge with that effect on the back. Think RAC badges think Scottish badges have you seen that before?

                I`m worried because who is alive to ask if these are right?


                  Originally posted by Mons 1914 View Post
                  Here's what we would consider No1 on Steves first picture I can't see any die flaws on this worn example but certainly a very interesting thread..
                  His little brother maybe?
                  Attached Files


                    another flaw noticed

                    I see another die flaw on these badges. There is a flaw where the canopy meets the crown on the far most left side and you can see it on the back of that badge too.


                      I think ..

                      I think we should be careful here .....
                      The known dieflaw copy has been ID'd for a long while ....
                      .. I know at present these latest questions have been raised, .. but, lets not start questioning every mark seen on the badges, as there were quite a few productions, and quite a few of the older badges that have been shown to have imperfections ..

                      What I'm trying to say is .. Becareful that just because you see a dieflaw of some type, it is not necessarily an instant copy !!!! .. Dies wear !!! normally a die will start faulting in its life of 10,000 strikes periodically .. it's known as wear and tear !

                      Gary J.


                        Originally posted by Gary Jucha View Post
                        I think we should be careful here .....
                        The known dieflaw copy has been ID'd for a long while ....
                        .. I know at present these latest questions have been raised, .. but, lets not start questioning every mark seen on the badges, as there were quite a few productions, and quite a few of the older badges that have been shown to have imperfections ..

                        What I'm trying to say is .. Becareful that just because you see a dieflaw of some type, it is not necessarily an instant copy !!!! .. Dies wear !!! normally a die will start faulting in its life of 10,000 strikes periodically .. it's known as wear and tear !

                        Gary J.
                        I have seen several of the badges in question and all of these badges show the same four flaws, to ignore any of these flaws makes no since to me? I'm not saying these badges are bad (or good) simply making another observation. I personally don't believe these marks are wear and tear to the original dies but that's just me....



                          You miss my point .....

                          I agree that die flaws should be noted, ....

                          What I am saying is that many people will view such threads like this, .. and basically this is how "Chinese Whispers" start ! ..

                          Stick with what is known, .. and as so far with this thread, note variations but do not instantly categorise them.

                          As for die flaws, as previously stated .. dies are expensive .. normal life spans are 10,000 units.... die striking is a heavy wear process, and you WILL see a digress in quality during the dies life through wear and tear, .. dirt ingress .... heat through striking .. damage to dies through lack of coolant .... overworked dies ...
                          .. Believe me .. I worked in heavy industry for some years !

                          Gary J.

                          Originally posted by GregB View Post
                          I have seen several of the badges in question and all of these badges show the same four flaws, to ignore any of these flaws makes no since to me? I'm not saying these badges are bad (or good) simply making another observation. I personally don't believe these marks are wear and tear to the original dies but that's just me....


                            I agree with Gary, dies will show signs of wear and tear and that is only natural. As for the mottling to the rear on my example, that's exactly the result of a worn die. I don't think anyone worried even remotely about that during the war.



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