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Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal 2002

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    Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal 2002

    Now here's a pretty thing. This is Auntie Betty's new pressie for her gallant boys (and girls). I was expecting the MoD to farm out the design to some cake & arse bunch of muppets at a trendy design consultancy. But no! Here's the result. Nice, eh?
    Medal Image

    Not exactly the most flattering picture of the Queen if you ask me, but maybe I am just used to the younger versions I have seen my whole life.

    Well, I guess the busts of Queen Victoria in her later years werent that great either...

    Accidentally offending people on the internet since 1997


      Nice ribbon ..........
      Collection :


        I'm astonished that the Police and other emergency services always previously granted these awards are being written off...

        Short-sighted budgetary parsimony or deliberate poke-in-the-snoot class insult?

        Knighthoods have long been going to extremely peculiar people. The House of Lords has been swept aside after 800 years of Parliamentary history to be replaced by yobbo political bribing Trots without a sense of self-absurdity. (Baron Fred of Rusting-Slowly-Upon-Skids... Countess Sheila of Nattering-Glibly...)

        Now this?

        How awfully mean and small!


          Well, it would appear that if one chucks enough **** against the wall, then some of it will, invariably, stick! The powers that be have bowed to public opinion and have decided to award the new gong to all of the emergency services!

          What is surprising is that the Royal National Lifeboat Institution have been included - an often overlooked lot. They deserve every bit of recognition they get. The other lot are the Police, Fire, Ambulance, HM Coastguard and Mountain Rescue. And about bloody time too!
          Press Release


            At least they've clearly employed a skilled designer and die-cutter for this one. The South Atlantic Medal was dreadful, the CGC is worse, the AGSM is unspeakable, but this at least embodies some decorum. Nice comments, BTW, Rick! Love 'em.

            Yup! Wankers is the word for the gits who conceived all these unnecessary changes.



              It does look like a freshly shaved ernest Borgnine doesnt it ?

              The AGSM shown in the thread below must have been a cut and paste job, her crown cant really bethat big can it ???


                ....freshly shaved ernest Borgnine .....

                Hilarious Chris..I guess my thought of a Galapagos Sea Turtle werent too far off either...

                Accidentally offending people on the internet since 1997


                  Canadian Jubilee Medal 2002

                  Well, it would appear that those Canadian chappies are having their own issue - as was the case in 1977. This is a much nicer design than the earlier medal though. It's a shame that the Aussies & Kiwis aren't having their own too. Although, in the case of the Aussies, it may well be a blessing in disguise, as it's one less design horror in the yearbook!

                  Canadian Golden Jubilee Issue


                    Widening the goalposts!

                    I've just been watching the state procession on the ol' box and I spotted something odd - but hardly bloody surprising.

                    You may remember all the furore that surrounded the issue of the new medal - the police and emergency services bleating on (quite rightly) about being left out, as the medal was only for the armed forces.

                    Even then, it was only for service personnel who had served at least five years reckonable service before February this year. So I was rather bloody annoyed to see virtually every member of the Royal Household wearing them, but not honour guards & route liners (who'd obviously not served for long enough).

                    But what really took the piss was princes William & Harry sporting shiny new gongs. One's still at university, and the other one's barely out of daipers, so work that one out!

                    But what really did my box in was Her Maj's Muppeteer Royale - Prince Edward. Not only did he bottle it on his Commando course and leave after only a few weeks in the Royal Marines (for a life of thespianism), but since then, everything he's touched has turned to rat****e.

                    So he's not just sporting one gong, oh no, he's got three! A 1977 Jubilee Medal, 2002 Jubilee & a New Zealand 1990 Commemoration Medal (?). And to top that, he's wearing a bloody Royal Victorian Order Commander's neck badge. Why? Reward for being a total bloody failure perchance?moremad


                      On the other hand, he's saddled with the title "Wessex," and check the wonderful history of THAT one. Some day a Personal Trainer named Knut may....


                        He turned up to the wedding of one of the Norwegian princesses in Trondheim the other week sporting the same gongs.
                        BTW, check out the Swedish princess madeleine!


                        Now thats my idea of a princess!
                        Collecting German award documents, other paperwork and photos relating to Norway and Finland.



                          She does really look good... I have been reading that she was on a diet and people in Norway thought she became "anoressica" (sorry it's in Italian, I don't know the word for the people that they are obsessed by their figure that they almost practically avoid eating)... I hope that she still eats normally and she keeps her body in good shape without abusing of it!




                            ... and on it goes!

                            Just when you thought you'd heard the last of it, this little gem pops up. Talk about sour grapes. Personally, after some of the stories I've heard with regards to the issue of this bloody thing, I'd tell them where to ram it!moremad And in any case, what the hell has that arch-twat Prescott got to do with all this? This whole business has been a total cake & arse party - and they only had 25 years to get it sorted.



                              Call me an EX-A.R.A.B

                              Thats one medal i wouldn't want to wear.It's come to my ignorant attention the dear Queen hasn't allowed us to wear our NATO medals by rights.

                              Unlucky Liz we dont care!

                              I earn't my medals unlike that gold thing.

                              Whats this all about Tony,they've had since '95 to sort that out?

                              Kind regards



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