I know that the arrow on equipement means its british, and an arrow with a C around it means its canadian. I have a big serving spoon with a crown, the date 1940, W, than an arrow with a horrizontal bar going thru it, then a 3.
So: Crown, 1940 , W^3
So what is the meaning of the arrow with the horizontal bar in the middle. Is it a variation of the british marking, or does it mean this spoon is australian, indian, NZ, etc??? (The spoon comes from a place were there were many different commonwelth troops.)
I know that the arrow on equipement means its british, and an arrow with a C around it means its canadian. I have a big serving spoon with a crown, the date 1940, W, than an arrow with a horrizontal bar going thru it, then a 3.
So: Crown, 1940 , W^3
So what is the meaning of the arrow with the horizontal bar in the middle. Is it a variation of the british marking, or does it mean this spoon is australian, indian, NZ, etc??? (The spoon comes from a place were there were many different commonwelth troops.)