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Interesting Polish/Border Grouping

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    Interesting Polish/Border Grouping

    I picked this little group up recently and was interested to know weather any of the Polish experts here could tell me more.

    The story go's that this Gentleman served with the Polish Parachute Brigade and was a veteran of the Arnhem debacle. Towards the end of WW2 he entered the Border regiment and served with them post war. As you can see his number is stamped into the keeper of his beret badge, the same number appears in the helmet. Are any of you chaps able to tell me more about him from the service number.

    The helmet is a very interesting example as it uses a modified BMB 41 liner which has then been inspected and proofed 7/45. I have only ever seen this once before with a BMB 42 and have been informed that it was due to shortages when re equiping the remaining Poles.

    Many thanks in advance for any assistance rendered.

    Yours, Guy.
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            I must admit I dont like the look of the group, the number is in The Prince of Wales's Volunteers series, but the series of numbers finished in mid 1942 when they went on to General Service corps numbers, so if he joined the British Army post Arnhem that isnt correct. Also not sure why anyone would move from the Poles to the Brits during the War - possibly in about 1947 when I think the Polish forces were being broken up it may have been an option but not much earlier and by that time the Borders probably werent wearing the Red Beret.

            It just all seems a bit much, it will be interesting to hear what others say.



              Thanks Alistair,

              That's exactly what I thought Re-the number but as I know very little of the Polish Parachute Forces I wondered if there were any other possibilities. In honesty I'me not absolutely sure when he joined the Borders, reading back I should not have worded it like that.

              The fellow who found these says he bought them from the widow so the story is rather messy and i suspect imprecise. Apparently there is also A Polish Para Beret and Fairbairn to go with this group but I'll believe it when I see.

              Yours, Guy.


                If that is his British Army number (and its not a Polish one they use numbers and letters) he would have joined the British Army pre Mid 42, so if he was at Arnhem it would seem to be with the Borders and its possible to check if anyone with that number served with them at Arnhem - I have been through the Battalion roll in When Dragons Flew in the past but never noticed any Polish sounding names. Were the Polish Airborne using the Grey beret prior to mid 42?



                  I Don't know Alistair,

                  In honesty I think this is a put together group and the guy was yanking my chain, I was interested to see if others thought the same.

                  When I purchased it I only paid what I would have been happy to pay for the helmet with no provenance so I'me chuffed with that. I can sell the other odds and sods and get a bit back.

                  It will be interesting to hear what others think.

                  Yours, Guy.


                    Thats pretty much what I was thinking but wasnt too keen to come out and say it bluntly - as long as you bought based on teh sum of the parts rather than the story you cant really lose.

                    Their is a seller on Ebay Jewelmkt or something like that who often has berets with badges numbered up like that - I believe it was done but thinking of the many many badges I have seen on and off headgear I cant recall seeing any with numbers - I think it can be an easy way to give an item a "history".

                    Out of interest who was the seller? if they are making up groups/stories it may be of use to others to know.




                      Hi Alistair,

                      No I didn't pay over the odds and was keen to own the helmet. As I said I gave what I thought that was worth on it's own.

                      Embarrasingly I don't know the vendors name. He is an old boy who I have bought a few bits of kit from in the past. he comes to the odd show with a few bits in a bag. You know the type .

                      Many thanks again for all your help,

                      Yours, Guy.



                        Some Poles from the Brigade did .. after the Brigade demise .... join other army units .... Although I haven't heard of one joining any Boarder Regiment ... although this might have been possible ?

                        .. Tank Corp, and the Foreign legion are two of that I know .. so this did occur to some extent ..

                        Gary J.


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