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2nd Btln Para Reg BD.

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    2nd Btln Para Reg BD.

    Hi Chaps picked this nice little BD up the other day and thought you might like to see it.

    All insignia is original to the piece and it's interesting to see how badly it was applied.

    Hope you like it.

    Yours, Guy.
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    Last edited by Guy; 06-05-2006, 05:57 AM.

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      Yellow lanyard - it was this battalion that stained white lanyards yellow with mepacrine was'nt it - just out of interest is this one of those home made jobs or a "proper" yellow lanyard?


        Hi Leigh,

        yes they were but unfortunately no it isn't . It's just a normal yellow lanyard.

        Yours, guy.


          Hi Guy, that seamstress didn't do a very nice job indeed, but a stunning blouse altogether!

          Cheers, Luc


            Cheers Luc,

            Yes It's a pretty horrible job all in all but a really nice item none the less, glad you like it.

            Are you coming to La Gleize next week?

            Yours, Guy.


              Hello Guy m8,
              very nice BD m8, all nice original insignia!
              Is it certain that this is a 2nd Bt BD tho?
              I ask this cause i thought the 2nd chaps had the early PARACHUTE titles on there BD?
              And the 4th Bde chaps (10,11,156) had the Canterbury blue Parachute Regiment ones!
              I have a BD (not original mounted) with the Parachute titles and the same Lanyard , and i always thought that this was the difference of distinguishing the 1st Para Bde lads from the 4th Para Bde?
              What i am trying to say is that the Lanyard is an original 2nd Bt 1 all right, but that doesnt make the rest of the BD a 2nd Bt one in my honest opinion old sport .
              I am pretty sure that the 1ste Bde Battalions went in with the old titles (during the Arnhem ops), and the new chaps from the 4th with these!
              So my guess is that the Lanyard is on the wrong BD.
              But that doesn't take away that it is a very nice BD and very nice insignia!
              I have opened a very nice topic on this subject on the u know who site
              Distinguishing the Airborne its called.
              If you ever want to sell this m8, give us a call
              Again congrats with a great find m8!



                Hi Guy,
                No I'm not going to La Gleize, I'm having a long weekend with the missus and my son.

                But feel free to pick me up a nice birthdaypresent.

                Cheers, Luc


                  Hi Rene, good to hear from you mate

                  I know what you are saying but the truth of the matter is that we will probably never know!

                  I think one has to be careful not to be too dogmatic when it comes to these things as often as soon as one commits ones self someone comes along who disproves the rule! For example what insignia would new draftees and replacements to the unit have worn? Is there any record of this? I'me not defending the BD though as it is perfectly capable of speaking for It's self and doesn't need any weak platitudes from me. In honesty I think it quite likely the lanyard may have been added either by the veteran for walking out etc or in an attempt to sex the bd up a bit (which it doesnt really need). Whatever the truth it is a nice originally mounted BD with an original lanyard which is all good.

                  For years I was told I didn't know what I was talking about when I proffesed to have seen photos (which unfortunately I didn't own ) and spoken to veterans who confirmed 3rd pattern smocks at Arnhem. Then good old Philip posted a beautiful shot on your forum and turned accepted thinking on It's head. Rather like that picture of an HJ wearing the Italian Parka in the Ardennes.

                  Unfortunately the BD is now sold mate but if you want I'll keep my eyes open and let you know if and when another comes along .

                  Hey Luc, do you want your King Tiger gift wrapped or is it ok as it comes .

                  Take Care Lads, Yours, Guy.


                    Originally posted by Guy
                    do you want your King Tiger gift wrapped
                    A plain pink ribbon will do nicely!

                    Good hunting in La Gleize!

                    Cheers, Luc


                      Hi Guy,

                      Nice BD even if it does look like Stevie Wonder did the sewing


                        Hiya Guy m8,
                        i guess we will probs never know the true facts, it was just a mind spin of me m8
                        There's is no need to defend the BD, this apart from the stitchwork is a fine original example!
                        I am not disputing that, i was just thinking of the distinguishing of the Brigades!
                        But i really think that the all the 2nd chaps wear the Parachute title, new conscripts to the battalion would have probs been given the Canterbury blue ones, if they joined the battalion in 1943!
                        But i still think that there probs was a possibility for these chaps to get these made at a local tailor for instance?
                        I am not saying that it isn't possible that this happend, but i just think different
                        And i am very interested in how the Airbornes distinguished themselfs from the other Brigades or Divisions!
                        So i saw this as a good oportunity to pop the question/idea on the BD!
                        2 bad its gone m8!



                          Hi Rene, I guess we will never know. The PRO and IWM archives might yield some good, pertinent info so you should try to get in there for a look.

                          I was just saying that it's a bit dangerous to make blanket statements like that. The parachute title had been defunct for some time before being re-introduced in 44 had it not so I am interested as to what would have been worn in the years interim. Yes new members could have obtained these titles as they would have been held in stores and for the sake of uniformity and esprit de corps they would have wanted to. However I'me not so sure the blues wouldn't have been worn as well, again, guess we'll never know.

                          Many pet theories put forward by the "experts" are tainted by their adgenda ie the desire to be right. This is especially true of Authors and advanced collectors who believe their word should be taken as gospel. I just prefer to keep an open mind is all .

                          Nice one Dessie, glad you like it. I reacon the badges were sewn whilst pissed . How's life on the great frozen tundra? are you there yet?

                          Luc, clear a space on the coffee table . Hope you enjoy your Birthday mate, I should be in Ypres so I'll raise a glass. Strange being born on the same day .

                          Yours Guy.


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