Originally posted by ROBB
Without intentionally trying to steer this thread in another direction, I also want to add that you are absolutely correct in your above quoted statement. It’s worth repeating again: “…if you leave it and think about it, it will be sold by the time you come back.”
I was the beneficiary in such an instance, and was able to acquire what is one of my best swap meet finds: an original Polish 1st Armoured Division officer’s grouping - tunic, docs, badges, decorations and three photo albums full of pre-war army and WWII campaign pics. Two previous interested lookers at the table decided they’d check the rest of the meet (it was early and just after the meet’s opening) and come back around, leaving the set unclaimed and available for me to scoop only minutes later.
I was later that day offered twice and then three times the purchase price by one of the procrastinating parties!