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Career, trial and trial of SS-Sturmbannführer Gustav Knittel...

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    I tried to buy it with paypal and it wouldn't work


      Originally posted by Sal Williams View Post
      I tried to buy it with paypal and it wouldn't work
      It's a pop-up blocker issue. Turn them off and it will work


        Now there's a couple of nasty ladies...

        “One of these days I spoke in front of the ‘Kreisfrauenschaftsleiterinnen’ (district NS-Frauenschaft leaders) of the Württemberg ‘Gau’ (district). Following my presentation there were a lot of questions to answer. Among others the question arose, how it was possible that an SS officer, moreover a Knight’s Cross recipient, could marry a French woman. Of course, I brought in my artillery and recalled the year 1866, when it appeared intolerable that a Bavarian would marry a Prussian and said that it depends not as much on nationality but rather on blood value. But then this woman was described as not very valuable. It concerns the wife of SS-Sturmbannführer Knittel from Neu-Ulm. I would like to ask you to send me Knittel’s VH-Gesuch (engagement and marriage application) sometime.”

        (Letter from ‘Höheren SS- und Polizeiführer Südwest’ (Higher SS and Police Leader Southwest) SS-Obergruppenführer Hofmann to his good friend SS-Brigadeführer Heider, the chief of the Heiratsamt - dated the 12th of October 1944)

        A reply or further investigations have not been recorded.


          The 18th of December 1944 - After crossing Stavelot SS-Obersturmführer Manfred Coblenz paused his halftracks at the western edge of Stavelot near the ‘Les Quartiers‘ villa and waited for the rest of the Aufklärungsabteilung to follow but nothing happened. Coblenz’ company left the western edge of Stavelot in the direction of Trois-Ponts at 15.00hrs which means members of his outfit are plausible suspects in the murder of 53-year old Tony Lambert, who was shot dead at the doorstep of his villa at approximately the same time:

          “Shortly after 15.00hrs, Mr. Lambert saw two SS men approach the main entrance with drawn revolvers [sic]. He calmed his frightened wife and went to open [the door]. He was gunned down without a word. After the SS had committed their crime, they asked [the people] inside: ‘are there any Americans here?’ The governess of the children answered: ‘only civilians, come see for yourself.’ The SS replied grinning: ‘You didn’t think we would come back, did you? We will recapture Brussels and Paris.’ They then turned to Mrs. Lambert, who had heard the shots but did not yet know what had happened to her husband, and asked her something to drink. The unfortunate obeyed with the help of her second daughter Claudine and offered them beer and wine. One German pushed his revolver [sic] against the girl’s chest and demanded cognac. When Mrs. Lambert went to get the alcohol, she noticed her husband’s lifeless body through the glass door of the salon. Satisfied [with the alcohol] the SS [men] left the house but almost immediately two others showed up who also demanded cognac. More dead than alive, Mrs. Lambert handed them all the alcohol she had. The two soldiers also left the house. Nobody dared to go up to the ground floor to bring in the body of Mr. Lambert before it was dark. German tanks continued to drive by and fired their machine guns soon as they saw somebody move. As it was dark by 17.00hrs, the family could get the corpse of Mr. Lambert inside and shut the door.”

          Photo: the ‘Les Quartiers‘ villa photographed before the battle...


            Timo Worst's book "Career, crimes and trial of SS-Sturmbannführer Gustav Knittel" is one of the better world war 2 biographies I have read in a long time. It is an unbiased piece of heavily researched history, that presents all aspects of the man, both the good and the bad, without any judgement or over-emotional language. I have read biographies before that either try to glorify the subject by downplaying the negative aspects of the person's life, or the opposite, where they focus primarily on the negative and not much else. For example the biographies by Marcel Stein tend to focus only on the negative aspects of their lives at the expense of a more detailed history. Whereas, Newton's Model bio, and Melvin's Manstein bio present all aspects of the individuals in question. The entire life of the individual is presented in a non biased fashion, where the positive and negative are detailed in proper context. They are not hagiographies but neither are they "hit pieces." Then there are the books that are primarily focused only on the "positive" aspect of the individual's life, such as their military career, without mention of possible war crimes and other negatives. Books primarily on certain WSS personalities, though well researched, at times tend to "gloss over" these "inconveniences." This is unfortunate since it only lessens the true historical worth of the author's intense labors. Worst's book is the perfect example of how a military biography should be written. The amount of source material, and first person accounts is amazing enough as it is. But the presentation of a definitely controversial subject in such a professional manner is even more amazing. Along with the previous books mentioned by Melvin and Newton, Danny Parker's Peiper biography is another example of a professional piece of historiography. A good comparison between a professional unemotional book and the opposite would be comparing Parker's book with a previous Peiper bio that was released a few years ago. Both books contain a lot of the same material, however Parker's book comes off as being the professional piece of history, whereas the other reads quite poorly due to its extremely opinionated and emotional language. Both Parker and Worst have been able to write non biased history, presenting all the facts as objectively as possible without the emotionalism that sometimes pervades this subject. The portions of the book that Timo has posted on this message board should show adequate proof of the style and substance of the book. Worst details Knittel's life from beginning to end, with great focus on his combat career as well as post war tribulations. It is a truly fascinating story of a man living in a violent time, and the consequences of actions that can never be undone. The book is not pretentious, and does not pretend to claim any form of moral authority. It simply tells a brilliantly fascinating story of a tragedy...


              Is this book only in soft cover??


                Originally posted by book lover View Post
                Is this book only in soft cover??
                The hardcover will be available by the end of this month

                Klaus, thank you very much for the positive review. Much appreciated!








                      The hardcover edition of the book is now available...

                      Binding : Hardback
                      Size : 176mm x 250mm
                      Total pages : 541
                      ISBN : 9789492475558



                        I find this book a very disapointing read,the way this book was hawked aroud all the forums since the start of the internet as though you had some insight into the SS-AA1/LSSAH.But after reading this book you don’t bring anything new to the subject,apart from quoting larg parts of Grenadiers,various parts of the LSSAH trilogy and other LSSAH related books also a couple of vetrans opions on Knittel.Which in my opion have to be taken with a pinch of salt as Knittle is unable to counter them.
                        The book suffers from the fact it was proof read by someone who does not know the subject,as there are quite a few niggley mistakes and one massive mistake.A lot of padding to make this book a lot longer than it needed to be,also there are little judgemental digs in there as well so not quite as unbisaed book as it could have been.
                        So glad I didn’t wait for the hard back version and saved some money.
                        I would also recomend The Unknown Dead by Peter Schrijvers for more info on the civilian plight in the battle of the bulge.


                          I had expected nothing else from you, Jamie, well done

                          But "Knittle", really?


                            Dear leib1,

                            I find this book an outstandingly researched biography and by far one of the very best books of many I have purchased this year. Furthermore I know of no book that does not have some "mistakes". That's my opinion and let's agree to disagree on those points.

                            However what I really want to know is what is the "one massive mistake"? I really must be missing something

                            Regards and thanks in advance for your answer,



                              Everyone is entitled to have his own opinion...but I don't understand your 'review'. Could you please give us the mentioned 'mistakes'? furthermore your remark "also a couple of vetrans opions on Knittel. Which in my opion have to be taken with a pinch of salt as Knittle is unable to counter them" is laughable.

                              It is an achievement that the author was able to correspond at length and detail with f.e. H.M. Leidreiter, as it is an achievement that we were able to attend the Kameradentreffen of the LAH Aufklärungsabteilung in 2005 being the only 'outsiders', 'only' interested in historical facts.
                              It is an achievement that he kept as objective and honest as possible during his many years of research, and received so much help from veterans. I don't believe an explanation is needed.

                              It feels like a deliberate downplay of a unbiased, detailed and well written book, for whatever reason....

                              Mike S.


                                Originally posted by Jochen S. View Post
                                It is an achievement that the author was able to correspond at length and detail with f.e. H.M. Leidreiter,
                                My personal correspondence with Knittel's aide Hans-Martin Leidreiter. He wrote his final letter days before he passed away...


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