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POLL: Gauging interest in a Translation of "Soldaten wie andere auch" by Paul Hausser

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    POLL: Gauging interest in a Translation of "Soldaten wie andere auch" by Paul Hausser


    My boredom has been getting the better of me lately, as I have the pleasure of an entire summer off of work due to University studies. Since I have very little to actually do around the house this summer and don't have to go to work, I've been considering finally cracking open my copy of "Soldaten wie andere auch" by Paul Hauser. I've been meaning to sit down and read it for quite a few years now but just never have gotten around to it, I bought it originally when I first learned to read basic German, thinking that having materials in German in a subject that I was interested in would encourage me to actually study, but instead it ended up being a bit too complex for me to read at the time, and it has literally been languishing in my basement study since I was 14.

    For those unfamiliar, it is more or less a primer on the SS, a sort of miniature biography of Mr. Hauser, information on individual units, and a condemnation of their treatment after the war all rolled into one volume divided into 5 major parts.
    1. The Waffen-SS before the war
    2. The Waffen-SS during the war
    3. The Waffen-SS after the war
    4. Documentation section
    5. A short history of the Armies, Headquarters and divisions of the SS

    It has long been considered one of the great books about the SS as it includes far fewer subjective observations and more objective materials for the reader to base their own opinion on and come to their own conclusion, it is very much a "Here is the documentation that you seek. Draw your own conclusion from what you've read" kind of books, it is of course bias towards the SS soldiers and their struggle, as it was written by one of their own, but it is definitely a historically viable source of information and would serve the community well.

    The problem is, of course, that the book only exists at this point in German, and while there are many German speakers the world over, it would be beneficial for there to be an English language translation, and although I am definitely not "Fluent" by any stretch of the imagination, I definitely can read German at a respectable level and this book doesn't seem to put up too much of a fight as far as obscure words or old grammar rules go, it seems to be a very straightforward read, and I want to make a viable English language translation of it in .PDF form, and in the process would be able to produce a .PDF version of the original version as well. If it ever became popular enough that people were to want physical bound copies of it, it could definitely be done and I could secure rights to publish a translation but that is a bridge that can be crossed much later, if at all.

    I've also yet to find a scanned version of the book, which would help me immensely in my quest to translate it, as formatting, retyping the original book and picture set would easily be half the work, if not more. I once had a company create an "E-book' version for me off of my copy, but it turned out absolutely horrible, just a bunch of bad scans of the pages stuck together into a .pdf document. I feel that it really just needs to be retyped into a modern format unfortunately.

    I am starting to ramble, but I do genuinely want to do this, as it seems like a good time and would be helpful to the community as a whole.

    The question that I am trying to ask, what is the community's level of interest?
    Does anyone want to read this book that can't read it in its original language?
    Does the growing difficulty in securing copies of the original printings of this book warrant an electronic edition or possible reprints of the translation in the far off future?

    Would the translation of this book into English help the true collectors community more than it would help further the neo-nazis and their agenda?

    That is the one true worry I do have with this project, I don't want to give revisionists and neo-nazi's more materials to work with, and this is the kind of material they love to have. Books about the "tender side" of the SS, claims that they were not all bad, ect... Information like that is very easy for them to twist into new things, and I don't want to help further their goals. The great majority of revisionists don't speak German, and that means that the information is largely safer and less harmful in its original format, it is also hard to obtain original printings of the book outside of Germany, even more so if you don't understand enough German to buy it from a store in Germany, which is where the greatest majority of the copies still reside. The biggest question is "Will a digitalization and translation of this text into English cause more harm than good?"

    I'm looking for any input anyone has on this, everyone interested in any way please speak their piece, tell me if you are for or against this, and if you feel strongly about it, why or why not?

    If you are interested in a translation, please tell me how you'd most like to see the release of the book. Would it be preferred in sections, released by chapter? Perhaps in parts 1 through 5, or would it be preferred to hold out for a finished edition all complete? I imagine that I will be doing most of the actual PDF work in Adobe Acrobat, and most of the word processing and formatting in Microsoft Word, although it could just as easily be all done in Acrobat.

    Lets hear some opinions!

    As always a pleasure,
    my Regards
    Alexander B.

    Isn't this book still under COPYRIGHT protection?

    John Moore


      Indeed such "frivolities" as copyright should be of more interest that whether or not a book may please some political group...Second, Hausser's book is more useful to military historians than "true collector's communities" as it, as far as I know, was never written for militaria collectors.


        It's a shame that there are groundbreaking reference books that have never been translated (Wolfgang Curilla & Stefan Klemp spring to mind). If they were translated and published the english speaking market would be there for them. The fact that they were more accessible would open up that whole field of study to non native /not very good German speakers.

        I'd love to see an enterprising publisher fund a translation then reprint them (e.g. Curilla/Klemp) with the inevitable corrections (if the original German publishers have no interest and obviously with the authors consent and cooperation).

        This is like what Fedorowicz did with Husemann's 'Die guten Glaubens waren' (In Good Faith) many years later.


          Easy enough to read with basic language knowledge, better to invest money in someone translating Felix Steiner's books. Perspective and insight from a significant personality that is harder for most to read.

          As for more elaborate details of particular units in Hausser's book, many including myself have gone further though admit still a lot more to go.

          We can only work so fast

          Remember what it costs to print a gloss HB book and must sell 1,000 to cover reasonable per copy print costs.


            Originally posted by Mark C. Yerger View Post
            Easy enough to read with basic language knowledge, better to invest money in someone translating Felix Steiner's books. Perspective and insight from a significant personality that is harder for most to read.

            As for more elaborate details of particular units in Hausser's book, many including myself have gone further though admit still a lot more to go.

            We can only work so fast

            Remember what it costs to print a gloss HB book and must sell 1,000 to cover reasonable per copy print costs.
            Thanks for the input, I've never actually read anything by Steiner, I'll have to look it up.

            As far as actual printing goes, I wasn't actually thinking of having anything printed.
            I intend to only make a .PDF ebook of a translation of it thats formatted so that it could simply be made into a book if it ever was in that kind of demand and if approval to print a translated work was gained from the publisher.

            A .PDF would also be useful for research.

            I mentioned the possibility of a physical copy purely to demonstrate that it could be turned into one eventually provided there was demand for it and the copyright kinks were worked out.

            I'm just thinking out loud, and like I said, very bored.

            I usually only hover around the III Reich propaganda and music niche of collecting, but there's only so much you can do with one thing before you want to explore other pieces.



              there is interest

              Yes I am interested. I would buy it from you as long as it was not too expensive...and print out your proposed pdf and make my own analog (real physical "book") as I have read enough digitized pdfs to last me for the rest of my life.

              As for the neos...ahh who cares. Most of those types don't even look at WAF except to copy some pretty pictures. I estimate only 10 to 15 percent of neos are highly educated ...much less intellectuals. So I doubt they could do much harm with your translation.

              Finally, I think you may have downplayed the work involved in translating.
              I have done a lot for my own German history researches of primary documents and it gets very involved whether you use a translator prior to fine tuning translation or not.


                I would certainly invest in a copy....


                  Originally posted by Michael Fay View Post
                  Yes I am interested. I would buy it from you as long as it was not too expensive...and print out your proposed pdf and make my own analog (real physical "book") as I have read enough digitized pdfs to last me for the rest of my life.

                  As for the neos...ahh who cares. Most of those types don't even look at WAF except to copy some pretty pictures. I estimate only 10 to 15 percent of neos are highly educated ...much less intellectuals. So I doubt they could do much harm with your translation.

                  Finally, I think you may have downplayed the work involved in translating.
                  I have done a lot for my own German history researches of primary documents and it gets very involved whether you use a translator prior to fine tuning translation or not.
                  Originally posted by 29THPZG View Post
                  I would certainly invest in a copy....
                  I was actually hoping to finish the project and distribute the .PDF as a free translation. So I would definitely not be expecting anyone to pay for the file If anyone wanted to donate to the cost of having the original book digitalized that would be a nice perk! (Not asking for a donation as of yet) I'd like to provide this freely to the community, though.

                  If I ever got around to securing rights to publish a translation I suppose that I'd like to print off copies, but the .PDF I want everyone to be able to read regardless of if they want to pay for it or not! As part of the problem I have with the availability of Hausser's work is the cost of obtaining original copies since they have long been out of print and are gobbled up by historians. It would be nice if a new run of the books was made before the copyright on them expires, but I doubt the publisher has any interest in that anymore, times have changed a-lot even since Hausser passed away in the 1970's and interest in the individuals of the SS as people seems to have gone all but extinct. You watch, though, as soon as the last of them die off in the coming decade or two, we will see a huge resurgence of interest in the individuals, just like as with all wars, it seems that nobody cares to listen to the old men until there are no old men to listen to!

                  As far as the Neo's thing goes, I personally am not all that worried about it, as you said, most of them aren't interested in the real history, let alone able to comprehend it from an objective standpoint (although I must say I've met some shockingly well educated and well spoken neo-nazi's, two of them doctors and another one a chemical engineer, truly interesting that educated people hold opinions like that) but its always good to make sure people know upfront about your intentions, People in my particular niche of collecting (Music and propaganda recordings of National Socialist Germany) are very jumpy when it comes to the issue and I'm a product of their paranoia, so when I'm starting a new thread somewhere where people don't know me or know exactly what I do, I tend to err on the side of caution and make sure everyone knows that I'm not here for the wrong reasons!

                  I'm going to test the waters out by translating the first chapter tonight.

                  Last edited by Galacnor; 06-30-2015, 12:07 AM.


                    I seem to remember seeing it in english about 20 years ago, was a second hand book at the time.

                    I think it was from the 80s and a small publishing house


                      Sorry, ignore, it was Degrelle


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