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"Last Days in Vietnam"

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    "Last Days in Vietnam"

    Just saw this on Netflix. Although produced by a Kennedy (Rory) it is a balanced account about the American effort to extract as many Vietnamese out of Saigon as possible as the NVA troops approached.

    As is usually the case with an approaching enemy, the South Vietnamese government and the US Ambassador were in a state of denial, leading to last-minute and haphazard evacuations of US personnel and citizens, as well as the Vietnamese that worked for (and fought with) the US.

    If Baghdad falls to ISIL, it will probably not be too far removed from what was portrayed in this documentary.
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    BTW, this photo is often captioned as being from the evacuation of the Embassy. It is was actually taken during the US evacuation of Nha Trang.

    Bio of the "puncher" is here:

    Robert Hedrix; pilot linked to last days of Vietnam War

    By Elaine Woo, Los Angeles Times | November 9, 2006
    LOS ANGELES -- One of the most arresting images from the last days of the Vietnam War shows an unruly crowd rushing the door of a plane in Nha Trang, a rural seaside city north of Saigon. The focal point of the photograph is a balding, middle-aged American who is landing a jab to the head of a Vietnamese man desperate to board.
    The American is all grim determination; his jaw is clenched as he lunges right, extending his arm like a ramrod in the face of the intruder. Resolute in the crush of bodies, he is a bulwark in the bedlam of a turbulent era's violent finale.
    The caption accompanying the United Press International photo identified him only as an American official, but he was actually a charter pilot hired by the US State Department to relocate Americans from the countryside to Saigon.
    In 1985, after People magazine ran the photo with a story about the 10th anniversary of Saigon's fall, some of his war-era buddies identified him: He was Robert D. Hedrix, a North Dakota native and veteran of World War II and Korea who spent most of the 1950s, '60s and '70s in and around Southeast Asia as a pilot for the Air Force, the CIA, and various commercial outfits.
    "He was a real warrior. He felt it was his calling to fight on behalf of America," his son-in-law, Phil Hernandez, said last week.
    Mr. Hedrix, who returned to the United States in 1977 and flew planes for the Bureau of Land Management and the Forest Service, died of a heart attack last month at 81, according to his family. He had been dead for a few days when his landlord found his body Oct. 25 in his Lafayette, Colo., home.
    Mr. Hedrix rarely talked about his Vietnam experiences, even though the photograph in which he played a starring role was widely reprinted over the years.
    It was taken on April 1, 1975, when South Vietnam's capitulation was only a matter of time. The North Vietnamese army was sweeping south to Saigon, and Nha Trang was among the cities falling.
    Mr. Hedrix had been hired to transport Americans, but if room allowed he also evacuated Vietnamese people -- the sick, the elderly, and children. In Nha Trang that day, one mother handed him her twins, only a few weeks old, and begged him to take them. "The sacrifice was heartbreaking," he told People magazine in 1985.
    With defeat imminent, soldiers were deserting the South Vietnamese army in droves, disguising themselves in civilian clothes and joining the panicked exodus. Mr. Hedrix was alert to their presence. Referring to the famous photograph, he told People: "I'm pretty sure the guy I'm throwing off is a deserter because I could see a pistol stuffed under his belt."
    Mr. Hedrix's plane, a DC-6, took off amid gunfire with 264 passengers, almost 150 more than the official capacity. He would log more than 100 flights that month before he left Vietnam for good on April 30, the day Saigon collapsed.
    Years later, he told an interviewer that the photograph brought one word to his mind: security.
    "These people didn't have it; people walking down the streets of America do," he said.
    As for the man he slugged outside that plane, he said: "I feel sorry for those guys now."
    Mr. Hedrix was buried Friday at Fort Snelling National Cemetery in Minneapolis. He leaves a daughter, Mary Hernandez; two sons, Mike and John; nine grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.
    © Copyright 2006 Globe Newspaper Company.
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      I was surprised that Kennedy did not include this incident in her documentary--the last flight out of Da Nang Airbase, which occurred almost a month before the fall of Saigon:



        That's very interesting thanks for posting. I didn't know the story behind that youtube clip, shocking stuff.


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