Title: We Came to Fight a War
Author: Jack Flynn (as told to him by Alvin E. Kotler)
Publisher: Merriam Press
ISBN: 978-0-557-04781-9 (paperback) also in HC
Stars 5 (out of 5)
This is an autobiography of a Radio Gunner on a B-17 in the ETO. Though it is his story, it is also the story of his entire crew with certain chapters dedicated to some of the members, especially his pilot.
This book is easy to follow along and easy to read. It starts off with the typical early childhood memories and why he joined. The early chapters describe training, meeting the crew and studies on the various aspects of flying.
There were a couple of points in the book that I actually burst out laughing. Being in the military myself, I could picture exactly what was described, and could actually see what happened. The training flight with the entire crew asleep was one of them.
The chapters roll into various bombing missions, brief descriptions of other crews and how they handled various missions, friends made and lost, and the inevitable German actions to counter the bombing missions. He also describes what it was like for the plane to be hit by flak and also what happens when crew members were hit and how they handled it.
The last chapter talks about after the war and how the bonds between the crew are still tight. He describes how his pilot was charged at the wars end and what became of him. Not the military higher ups best hour on how they handled it or the reason the charges were laid.
There are pictures through out the book which adds to the chapters being read. A very good and light read. Recommended
Author: Jack Flynn (as told to him by Alvin E. Kotler)
Publisher: Merriam Press
ISBN: 978-0-557-04781-9 (paperback) also in HC
Stars 5 (out of 5)
This is an autobiography of a Radio Gunner on a B-17 in the ETO. Though it is his story, it is also the story of his entire crew with certain chapters dedicated to some of the members, especially his pilot.
This book is easy to follow along and easy to read. It starts off with the typical early childhood memories and why he joined. The early chapters describe training, meeting the crew and studies on the various aspects of flying.
There were a couple of points in the book that I actually burst out laughing. Being in the military myself, I could picture exactly what was described, and could actually see what happened. The training flight with the entire crew asleep was one of them.
The chapters roll into various bombing missions, brief descriptions of other crews and how they handled various missions, friends made and lost, and the inevitable German actions to counter the bombing missions. He also describes what it was like for the plane to be hit by flak and also what happens when crew members were hit and how they handled it.
The last chapter talks about after the war and how the bonds between the crew are still tight. He describes how his pilot was charged at the wars end and what became of him. Not the military higher ups best hour on how they handled it or the reason the charges were laid.
There are pictures through out the book which adds to the chapters being read. A very good and light read. Recommended