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Valkyrie - First Review

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    Valkyrie - First Review

    From Variety:

    (U.S.-Germany) An MGM release of an MGM and United Artists presentation of a Bad Hat Harry production, an Achte Babelsberg Film co-production. Produced by Bryan Singer, Christopher McQuarrie, Gilbert Adler. Executive producers, Chris Lee, Ken Kamins, Daniel M. Snyder, Dwight C. Schar, Mark Shapiro, John Ottman. Co-producers, Nathan Alexander, Henning Molfenter, Carl Woebcken, Christoph Fisser, Jeffrey Wetzel. Directed by Bryan Singer. Screenplay, Christopher McQuarrie, Nathan Alexander.

    Col. Claus von Stauffenberg - Tom Cruise
    Major-Gen. Henning von Tresckow - Kenneth Branagh
    Gen. Friedrich Olbricht - Bill Nighy
    Gen. Friedrich Fromm - Tom Wilkinson
    Nina von Stauffenberg - Carice van Houten
    Maj. Otto Ernst Remer - Thomas Kretschmann
    Gen. Ludwig Beck - Terence Stamp
    Gen. Erich Fellgiebel - Eddie Izzard
    Dr. Carl Goerdeler - Kevin R. McNally
    Col. Mertz von Quirnheim - Christian Berkel
    Lt. Werner von Haeften - Jamie Parker
    Adolf Hitler - David Bamber
    Col. Heinz Brandt - Tom Hollander
    Erwin von Witzleben - David Schofield
    Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel - Kenneth Cranham
    Margarethe von Oven - Halina Reijn
    Maj. Ernst John von Freyend - Werner Daehn
    Dr. Joseph Goebbels - Harvey Friedman
    Lt. Herber - Matthias Schweighofer

    After a long takeoff, "Valkyrie" finally takes flight as a thriller in its second half but never soars very high. Bryan Singer's long-awaited account of the near-miss assassination of Adolf Hitler by a ring of rebel German army officers on July 20, 1944, has visual splendor galore, but is a cold work lacking in the requisite tension and suspense. This second production from Tom Cruise and Paula Wagner at United Artists will do better than the first, "Lions for Lambs," but is a decidedly odd choice for Christmas Day release, and looks destined for just so-so commercial returns.

    Cruise himself is a bit stiff but still adequate as Col. Claus von Stauffenberg, the handsome, aristocratic officer whose disenchantment with Nazism, the Fuehrer and the war finds sympathetic ears among a sizable number of military bigwigs at a time when the tide has turned against Germany in the East and an Allied invasion is expected imminently in the West.

    Well-carpentered script by Christopher McQuarrie, reuniting with Singer for the first time since their joint career breakthrough on "The Usual Suspects," and Nathan Alexander must inevitably wrestle with the "Day of the Jackal" issue of the known failure of the central plot. Allowing for the need to compress and streamline events, the scribes have hewed pretty closely to the facts but haven't injected sufficient sizzle into the dialogue or individuality into the characters.

    As if the filmmakers felt the need to placate modern viewers who might wonder why they should emotionally indulge Nazi authority figures, the opening is swathed in Stauffenberg's feelings about how Hitler and the SS are a "stain" on the German army and his coincidentally contemporary desire for a "change" in the country's leadership. Shortly after entering these sentiments into his diary while serving in Tunisia in 1943, Stauffenberg is badly injured and loses his right arm, the last two fingers of his left hand and his left eye; with a black eyepatch, he still looks quite dashing, even if executing a Nazi salute with a prosthetic arm might appear rather irreverent.

    Slowly letting his insurrectionist sympathies show, Stauffenberg is introduced to a circle of powerful men, many of them old-school army officers whose conservative notions are closer to those of the Kaiser of their youth than to the rabid ideology of Hitler and the SS. Script unfortunately erases many of the interesting personal and political nuances pertaining to these men, notably the urgent belief of some that, with Hitler gone, they could join with the United States and Britain to beat back the Soviet Union and prevent the Bolshevization of Germany.

    What is perhaps most amazing about the plot is that so many people were involved and yet it was never detected with any certainty. Among the central figures: Major-Gen. Henning von Tresckow (Kenneth Branagh), first seen trying to kill Hitler by sneaking a bomb onto the Fuehrer's plane; retired Gen. Ludwig Beck (Terence Stamp), a longtime Hitler opponent at the center of the military-civilian conspiracy; Gen. Friedrich Olbricht (Bill Nighy), another veteran resistance figure still in a position of authority; Gen. Erich Fellgiebel (Eddie Izzard), whose role in charge of communications at Hitler's Wolf's Lair compound in East Prussia would be crucial to the plot's chances; and the most equivocal figure, Gen. Friedrich Fromm (Tom Wilkinson), commander in chief of the reserve army in Berlin, and a cagey operator who artfully turns a blind eye to the conspirators' activities while remaining cautiously loyal to the Reich.

    As it finally takes shape, the plan hinges not just on eliminating the Fuehrer but on implementing a coup in Berlin. To this end, Stauffenberg has the brilliant idea of turning Operation Valkyrie, the code name for a measure enabling the reserve army to take control of Berlin in a national emergency, to their own purposes. Stauffenberg, thanks to his access, will place a bomb in a briefcase underneath the large conference table during a briefing at Wolf's Lair, while his associates in the capital will implement the government takeover as Stauffenberg flies back to Berlin.

    An ambitious plan, to be certain, one in which details large and small go wrong. Putting it on the screen in a clean, classically derived style, Singer is careful to make sure everything is clear to the viewer and emphasizes the sometimes daunting physical reality of things, such as the difficulty Stauffenberg, with only three fingers, has in cutting the thick metal wire necessary to set the bomb's fuse.

    Once Stauffenberg has set off the explosion and cleverly slips away, convinced Hitler couldn't possibly have survived, the picture's grip strengthens somewhat as the coup, initially delayed, ultimately stumbles forward. Due to interrupted lines, no one in Berlin knows if Hitler is alive or dead, and the film's single haunting scene shows a room full of female communications operators slowly raising their hands, one by one, to indicate to their supervisor that they have received some news -- the Fuehrer is dead.

    It isn't long before evidence to the contrary comes through. The reserve army, which has rounded up the SS and gone to arrest Goebbels (whose name Cruise for some reason makes rhyme with "nobles"), is told to stand down, and the tables are turned on the conspirators after a few heady hours. And Germany has nine months of devastation to look forward to.

    Story's fascination, ironies, missed opportunities, implications and what-if aspects invest "Valkyrie" with automatic appeal for anyone interested in history in general and World War II in particular. But a nagging feeling persists throughout that the film should be more gripping than it is, and that the men involved could have been revealed with more complexity and dimension.

    Cruise makes Stauffenberg a stalwart, flawed and honorable man, but reveals little sense of his stellar intellectual, artistic and family background. The star's neutral Yank accent contrasts with the British voices that surround him but, truth be told, it is more the Anglo intonations coming out of the German characters that sound oddly disconcerting.

    Of the character actors, Wilkinson most impresses with his robust presentation of an intriguingly Janus-like figure. David Bamber carries off a pretty plausible portrait of the declining Hitler in a handful of scenes. Although it would have looked like inappropriate stunt casting in this context, the suspicion nonetheless persists that the contemporary English-speaking actor who would make the most interesting screen Hitler is former Singer cohort Kevin Spacey.

    Pic's standout elements are the locations and the superb production design by Lilly Kilvert and Patrick Lumb, which convey a palpable sense of legendary historical sites such as the War Ministry, Wolf's Lair, Hitler's Berghof residence and the Benderblock (the executions of Stauffenberg and others were lensed at the actual spot). A couple Junkers three-engine planes of the sort used by Hitler are impressively employed, and attention to detail is felt down the line. Newton Thomas Sigel's lensing has a restrained elegance, and John Ottman once again doubles adroitly as editor and composer.

    The conspiracy has inspired at least four previous pictures: two German productions of the mid-1950s, the 1990 American telefilm "The Plot to Kill Hitler," which starred the late Brad Davis as Stauffenberg, and the widely praised 2004 German TV production "Stauffenberg," with Sebastian Koch in the title role.

    Camera (Technicolor), Newton Thomas Sigel; editor, John Ottman; music, Ottman; production designers, Lilly Kilvert, Patrick Lumb; supervising art directors, John Warnke, Keith Pain, Ralf Schreck; art director, Cornelia Ott; set decorator, Bernard Henrich; costume designer, Joanna Johnston; sound (Dolby Digital/SDDS/DTS), Chris Munro; supervising sound editors, Craig Henighan, Erik Aadahl; sound designer, Aadahl; re-recording mixers, Henighan, Skip Lievsay, Michael Herbick; visual effects supervisor, Richard R. Hoover; special visual effects and animation, Sony Pictures Imageworks; visual effects, Savage Visual Effects, Frantic Films, Pacific Title & Art Studio; special effects supervisor, Allen Hall; stunt coordinators, Greg Powell, James Armstrong (U.S.); line producers, Chris Brock, Oliver Luer; assistant directors, Jeffrey Wetzel, Lee Cleary; second unit director, Eric Schwab; second unit camera, Ross Emery; casting, Roger Mussenden. Reviewed at MGM screening room, Los Angeles, Dec. 9, 2008. MPAA Rating: PG-13. Running time: 120 MIN.

    Thanks for posting.I will go and see it even if im not a Cruise fan. Brian



      Eddie Izzard? He's not wearing a frock is he?


        I'm torn on this one.......... I've seen some of the stills and I think the sets / costuming looks pretty good.

        I'm just not sure from the previews if I can accept Tom Cruise as von Stauffenberg..........

        Although, my primary consideration is who in the heck thinks that this makes a good Christmas break movie.............

        Good plots to kill Evil, and then Evil destroys Good, thats what I think when I imagine Christmas !!!!!!!!


          Originally posted by divebomber View Post
          ...I will go and see it even if im not a Cruise fan. Brian
          Same here; I'll give it a chance. But a 120 minute running time? That's like the length of a kids movie. Chalk it up with the rest of the things I already don't like about this movie.


            Originally posted by MauserKar98k View Post
            Same here; I'll give it a chance. But a 120 minute running time? That's like the length of a kids movie. Chalk it up with the rest of the things I already don't like about this movie.
            Just for general information, most feature films geared toward an adult audience run at around the two hour time. Producers/Studios have found this to be the optimal amount of time to maintain an audiences' attention. Kids' films are more in the 90+ minute range.

            I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous.....


              I do not have high hopes for this movie, but I might be surprised. But Tom Cruise as a German officer speaking in English sounds more than ridiculous to me.

              Let the Germans speak German, to me it ruins a good movie if they speak English with a stupid accent



                Maj. Otto Ernst Remer - Thomas Kretschmann

                Wow ... this time his character actually survives the movie he stars in


                  cant imagine tom cruise being the right choice for this part, just trying to think who would be best????????
                  sigpic 57ers...."The Devil Is In The Detail"


                    Originally posted by Lassi View Post
                    I do not have high hopes for this movie, but I might be surprised. But Tom Cruise as a German officer speaking in English sounds more than ridiculous to me.

                    Let the Germans speak German, to me it ruins a good movie if they speak English with a stupid accent


                    Totally Agree 100% !!!!


                      Saw the Movie Last Time

                      I saw the movie last night. They showed it on post and it was free. We were checked for any photo device and we couldn't bring our cell phones. There was a guy in the back with NVGs who was looking at us to make sure we were not filming it.

                      Now about the movie. You have to know the story to understand the plot. Still, the movie jumps around, a lot of missing pieces. Cruise can't act. If you saw Conspiracy (much better movie as was Downfall), many of those characters are in the movie too. The scenery was the best part.

                      Save your money for when you friend buys the DVD or its on TV.

                      Some changes from history (to the best of my knowledge).
                      Beck shoots himself in front of everyone when in fact, he shoots himself in a room by himself (and has trouble doing it).
                      There is the piano wire hangings in the end. I believe that this was just a rumor at the end of the war.
                      More to follow.
                      Last edited by Chap15; 12-15-2008, 07:18 PM.


                        Thanks for the update! It sounds like a film to watch on DVD, if at all, rather than in the theater. As another Cruise non-fan, as well as not being willing to stomach Hollywood war film treatments or other Hollywood 'historical' films for that matter, the film has much going against it from my point of view.
                        Festina lente!


                          Originally posted by bobcam1 View Post
                          Just for general information, most feature films geared toward an adult audience run at around the two hour time. Producers/Studios have found this to be the optimal amount of time to maintain an audiences' attention. Kids' films are more in the 90+ minute range.

                          Thanks for the info Bob. As for myself, I like my movie lengths in the Ben Hur-10 Commandments category.


                            Originally posted by fozz View Post
                            Eddie Izzard? He's not wearing a frock is he?
                            I'll watch the movie just to see how well Eddie can act in a serious role.... His stand-up is hillarious!!

                            Click for larger image


                              Originally posted by MauserKar98k View Post
                              Thanks for the info Bob. As for myself, I like my movie lengths in the Ben Hur-10 Commandments category.
                              I couldn't agree more!....If a film commands my attention, I want it to go on for hours, the way films did when I was a kid. Those epics you mentioned and others, like my favorite film "The Great Escape", often had intermissions, which took care of the only problem that one would have with a long film....the break you needed after drinking all that Coke....
                              I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous.....


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