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You must see Come and See!

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    You must see Come and See!

    Hello everyone,

    I know I could have posted this review in another thread about good war movies. However, the movie I am about to review is so incredibly good, that I believe it deserves its own seperate review and thread, so that it might not get lost in another thread, as a mere sub-topic. This is also not one of those movies that everyone has yet seen or even heard of. So, here goes:

    I just finished watching the movie Come and See, only about five minutes ago. It was an absolutely excellent movie that I now rank highly in my all-time Top Ten List. It's gritty, authentically-depicted, completely realistic, and brutally raw and violent, without flinching for any audiences or ratings--exactly the way any excellent war movie should be. The movie is totally unrestricted by any conventions or money-minded motives which so much rule the content of most high-profile, high-budget movies today.

    In a nutshell, it's about a Russian boy who gets caught up in the German invasion as a partisan, during the year 1941. He experiences all the worst of actual wartime experiences and events from the perspectives of humanity and inhumanity. If you haven't seen it yet, its definitely one not to miss. Trust me! I would even bet that you'll buy it afterwards. You will want it in your collection.

    In this film, the Russians have spared no detail for accuracy. As I had heard earlier, they have used real, WWII captured German vehicles, weapons, and who knows what else. They are not only using, but obviously really firing real MP40's too. You'll see none of those static, plastic prop guns in this movie. You also see none of what looks like digitally-added flash from the gunfire. Yes, it looks like the real thing every time to me. The uniforms and insignia are also as accurate as it gets. Believe me, I even checked every shoulder board to make sure it matched every collar tab rank, and it is correct every time. They didn't miss a single pip to spare a single penny on this one. Even in shots where they could get away with inaccuracy to save budget money, they do the real thing anyway.

    The locations used also look like time capsules, as well. The villages look like they are leftovers from the time, frozen, in the same condition they were in 60+ years ago. All of this raw, original, well-directed, well-acted, well-filmed, but non-Hollywood production results in a first class war movie that makes you feel you are truly seeing the event from history. Too many otherwise excellent movies out of Hollywood, with their slick editing, computerized special-effects, and stylized production keep reminding you that they are just movies. This one will actually involve your emotions rather than merely entertain you. It will make you feel like you somehow participated in the history, as impossible as it is. This one will make you forget that you are watching a movie, but you will never forget the experience.

    Last edited by Stahlhelm; 10-14-2007, 07:00 PM.

    Hi Chris,
    Unfortunately not everybody thnks the film is good and so do i.
    I think the Film is very weird with People behaving and acting like weirdos to be honest...
    not to forget the Communist point of view that shows the germans being wild Demons...
    I seen better movies


      Hi Chris,

      I have watched "Come And See" many times and it is in my top ten war movies.
      Many people however, are not as impressed as we when it comes to this film!
      In Britain it is often viewed as an "arty farty" movie, and at times it seems to drag a little, but when the Nazis enter the village it is a true horror movie.
      For this reason I really enjoy the film as the slow progress to the climactic end really brings home the terror and despair which must have been felt by the Russian people.
      With regard to the uniforms, a legend has grown up regarding the originality of the clothing worn; I think that some are original and some are not.
      You can also see several characters wearing "unmatched" items such as SS tunics with Heer caps etc., but it is a brilliant film to watch.




        Originally posted by lelez View Post
        Hi Chris,
        Unfortunately not everybody thnks the film is good and so do i.
        I think the Film is very weird with People behaving and acting like weirdos to be honest...
        not to forget the Communist point of view that shows the germans being wild Demons...
        I seen better movies
        With all due respect, I have no doubt that some people will find this movie not so "good." So, maybe I should advise more caution here for such viewers, before posting such strong recommedations. Before going out of your way to buy it, or even watch it, you must be aware that it is a very pensive, thought-provoking movie that does, in fact, take the time to provoke thoughts, evoke imagery, and visualize metaphors and themes. Yes, the time is sometimes real time, rather than forced, elipted time, or time that quickly forces thoughts upon you with slick, frenetic, time-lapsing edits. The time and emotions expressed in this movie are done on an artistic and metaphorical level, as well as on a raw and gritty level of war action. In this way, the viewer is allowed to simply feel the emotion that he or she really feels. This, in itself, says a lot about who we really are as individuals, and how we really feel about such things. Nothing is forced upon you here. You're reaction is who you are. You are observing events, not from a Hollywood perspective, but from a perspective which is as realistic as it gets. Yes, sometimes reality can get "dull," but if you hang with it, it can be worthwhile in the end. Really, in that sense, this movie is a lot like life.

        It is true that the major war action in this movie is towards the end, in the last 45 minutes or so. However, to me that restraint and delay makes it all the more effective, assaulting, and disturbing as it should ultimately be. If the pace and brutality at the end was consistent throughout the movie, it would ultimately become dull, ineffective, and much less than what it is.



        P.S. As far as people acting "weird" in this movie, I think most otherwise normal people would also be acting "weird," if such attrocities were affecting their lives. Let's not forget that these people being called "weirdos" were people witnessing their entire families being massacred before them. If nothing else, this movie may show the viewer that "weird" and "normal" are very relative terms in the horrors of war.
        Last edited by Stahlhelm; 10-15-2007, 10:17 PM.


          Sorry, but this is a truly awful movie. I found the acting "wooden" and downright strange at best, laughable use of props and "effects" (if you can call them that) and generally a pretty muddled storyline. "Come and See" is basically one step above a backyard family film.

          Yes, the film does possess strong authenticity, but it doesn't compensate for its many, many other faults. I have no clue why people continue to extoll this movie, you all must have seen a different version...


            To all who may disagree with me:

            Okay, I had no idea that a simple review of a movie would turn into a developing controversy with strong disagreement and near anger. This is the media forum, and I appropriately posted a review of a movie which I think is excellent. That's just my humble opinion, as they say. For anyone else who does not agree with me past this point, that is okay. I am not looking for an argument, and I am certainly not looking to be offended or to offend anyone else. After all I did take some time to type the review, when I really didn't have to say a word about anything. I could have just eaten a bowl of popcorn and watched a brainless comedy of some sort. I only started the thread because I truly thought it was a good movie, and I thought some others might enjoy it too.

            So again, if you don't like the movie, it's okay with me! If that's the case, just disregard my review and continue thinking whatever you think. For every person who likes anything, you can find as many people who don't. It's normal.

            I guess I am just generally surprised by the somewhat agitated, sharply disagreeing, and almost rude responses I have quickly seen to a simple review of a movie. I am not looking for an argument. Even debate can be handled in a tactful, friendly way. I have just posted a review. Please remember that, if you choose to respond. I would very much like to be friends with everybody on here, even after I type a movie review.

            Thanks for your understanding of my intentions to avoid conflict,

            Last edited by Stahlhelm; 10-15-2007, 10:23 PM.


              Originally posted by Stahlhelm View Post
              To all who may disagree with me:

              I guess I am just generally surprised by the somewhat agitated, sharply disageeing, and almost rude responses I have quickly seen to a simple review of a movie. I am not looking for an argument. Even debate can be handled in a tactful, friendly way. I have just posted a review. Please remember that, if you choose to respond. I would very much like to be friends with everybody on here, even after I type a movie review.

              Thanks for your understanding of my intentions to avoid conflict,

              Hey Chris,
              no worries!
              I appreciate your sticking your neck out and sharing somthing you found worthy for others to check out. I have never seen the movie, and to be honest sometime back I read about the slanted communist view and so never tried to see the movie . However, after reading this thread, I am going to seek it out-and even if I dont like it as you sounds better than any given average 20 movies on WWII.
              I also appreciate the negative feedback, this gives me warning as to it's faults.



                Thank you very much for the tactful and polite response! I am glad that you're curiosity has been aroused to the point that you'd like to see it, while still knowing that you might not agree with me. You are also correct that a healthy balance of all opinions is the best you can get, and I too appreciate that just as much. I am all for polite debate and discussion, and always willing to learn.

                Thanks again,



                  Originally posted by Stahlhelm View Post
                  To all who may disagree with me:

                  Okay, I had no idea that a simple review of a movie would turn into a developing controversy with strong disagreement and near anger. This is the media forum, and I appropriately posted a review of a movie which I think is excellent. That's just my humble opinion, as they say. For anyone else who does not agree with me past this point, that is okay. I am not looking for an argument, and I am certainly not looking to be offended or to offend anyone else. After all I did take some time to type the review, when I really didn't have to say a word about anything. I could have just eaten a bowl of popcorn and watched a brainless comedy of some sort. I only started the thread because I truly thought it was a good movie, and I thought some others might enjoy it too.

                  So again, if you don't like the movie, it's okay with me! If that's the case, just disregard my review and continue thinking whatever you think. For every person who likes anything, you can find as many people who don't. It's normal.

                  I guess I am just generally surprised by the somewhat agitated, sharply disagreeing, and almost rude responses I have quickly seen to a simple review of a movie. I am not looking for an argument. Even debate can be handled in a tactful, friendly way. I have just posted a review. Please remember that, if you choose to respond. I would very much like to be friends with everybody on here, even after I type a movie review.

                  Thanks for your understanding of my intentions to avoid conflict,

                  Let's not make a mound over an ant hill: that's fine if you enjoy the movie, there is no anger on my side. I'm just expressing my negative opinion of the film, and trying to understand why people still give this poorly done film high marks.

                  To each his own as I said in another thread, in my opinion, this is certainly a movie I would not go and "see."


                    Originally posted by Stahlhelm View Post
                    This one will actually involve your emotions rather than merely entertain you. It will make you feel like you somehow participated in the history, as impossible as it is. This one will make you forget that you are watching a movie, but you will never forget the experience.

                    I agree Chris
                    Attached Files


                      Those people need a doctor lol


                        Here are some more threads about 'Come and See':


                          Originally posted by lelez View Post
                          Hi Chris,
                          Unfortunately not everybody thnks the film is good and so do i.
                          I think the Film is very weird with People behaving and acting like weirdos to be honest...
                          not to forget the Communist point of view that shows the germans being wild Demons...
                          I seen better movies
                          I was looking foward very much to seeing this film and once i did this was the general feeling i had. Didnt find it too political rather more surreal more than anything else. found the blonde actress in it the best thing to see, beautiful


                            Originally posted by Polygon View Post
                            Let's not make a mound over an ant hill: that's fine if you enjoy the movie, there is no anger on my side. I'm just expressing my negative opinion of the film, and trying to understand why people still give this poorly done film high marks.

                            To each his own as I said in another thread, in my opinion, this is certainly a movie I would not go and "see."

                            No anger here either. Thanks for the followup response, and nice to meet you! I guess we're just both at opposite ends of the spectrum with this: you don't understand why so many people give it "high marks," and I don't understand why so many people give it low marks. Maybe somewhere before the responses stop, we will find an answer. However, in the end, we will all still be friends--I hope.




                              Originally posted by View Post
                              I agree Chris

                              Thanks for posting the related movie photo which does illustrate at least a small part of what I've so far been describing with words.



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