I just finished watching the Military Channel's show "20thCentury Battlefields" on STALINGRAD and it was one of the best documentaries dedicated to this famous battle. If you can watch a repeat definitely catch it.
They filmed in current day Stalingrad (Volgograd), had some crude but effective CGI wargame displays showing the battle plans, and even had a demo of the effectiveness of sniper warfare. It's a one hour show and considering the aforementioned items the period film was limited but noting that it's been rehashed a million times in other Stalingrad documentaries it wasn't missed much. Perhaps in a 2 hour version of the show it would have been the included and then it would have been the go-to show for Stalingrad.
They filmed in current day Stalingrad (Volgograd), had some crude but effective CGI wargame displays showing the battle plans, and even had a demo of the effectiveness of sniper warfare. It's a one hour show and considering the aforementioned items the period film was limited but noting that it's been rehashed a million times in other Stalingrad documentaries it wasn't missed much. Perhaps in a 2 hour version of the show it would have been the included and then it would have been the go-to show for Stalingrad.