Hello all - If you get the chance to watch the movie 5 Fingers do so. I found the spy thriller interesting from the stand point of the spy who was involved and the British pounds he was given for payment. The movie was released in 1952 and two books about the spy codename Cicero were written about the spy. The spy was Elyesa Bazna who was working for the British Embassy in Turkey from 1943 through 1944. During his days for spying for the Germans he provided some very sensitive information of which some included bombing raids and high conference meetings.
For me what is even more interesting is that he was paid in British pounds for the material he gave to the Germans. The money he received, a few hundred thousand pounds, were forged British pounds from a known German operation called Operation Bernhard. This operation was a secret German plan of making counterfeit pound notes in an attempt to destabilize the British government.
I am posting one of the British pound paper notes from my collection.
For me what is even more interesting is that he was paid in British pounds for the material he gave to the Germans. The money he received, a few hundred thousand pounds, were forged British pounds from a known German operation called Operation Bernhard. This operation was a secret German plan of making counterfeit pound notes in an attempt to destabilize the British government.
I am posting one of the British pound paper notes from my collection.