This isn't a helmet per se but it is certainly helmet related. I have just received my copy of Jan Meland's new book "German Helmets 1916-1945" and I must say it is great! Even with all the online resources available today, there is nothing that beats a good book. We never stop learning and books are an invaluable permanent resource to have and to use. Jan’s new book embodies that concept perfectly. You might think that we don't need yet another helmet book, with all the helmet books currently available today, some of them excellent references. But Jan brings together all the current collective wisdom of the helmet collecting community to include shells, paint, decals, liners, rivets, chinstraps, markings, camouflage, covers, wires, and more. It covers all the combat branches with a separate section on paratrooper helmets. An easy reference in large format, all backed up with superb LARGE photographs. It is an easy to read narrative that is useful to the beginning collector, the advanced collector, and everyone in between. It is very interesting to see the hobby from the perspective of a collector residing in a northern European country that was conquered and occupied by the Germans in WWII, and the source of much equipment left behind at the end of that war. I'm sure you will want to read this book cover to cover for pure pleasure, and then go back frequently to research questions you have when evaluating a helmet you already own or are considering to buy. Well done Jan!
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