Here's some of the models waiting on me to build! 3 1/32 HE111s, 2 1/32 JU88s.
These sure will be awesome when done!
I have almost every shade of paint for Luftwaffe camo. Most need to be mixed though. Still working on my comprehensive list of RLM colors. I'll be making a model HE111 that will have 5 different mixes for RLM70/71 and RLM65. This way, you'll be able to compare the mixes you like the best! The HE111 will feature Vallejo model color, Polly scale, and 3 mixes for Tamiya paints.
These sure will be awesome when done!
I have almost every shade of paint for Luftwaffe camo. Most need to be mixed though. Still working on my comprehensive list of RLM colors. I'll be making a model HE111 that will have 5 different mixes for RLM70/71 and RLM65. This way, you'll be able to compare the mixes you like the best! The HE111 will feature Vallejo model color, Polly scale, and 3 mixes for Tamiya paints.