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Volksturm in re-enacting? (USA)

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    Volksturm in re-enacting? (USA)

    Hi, folks,

    A while back, I ran across an article about WW2 Re-enactors who formed a Volksturm unit. Very interesting, and entirely appropriate for some (late)

    I am now of Volksturm age, and re-enacting a 23-year-old Gefreiter or Unteroffizier is not in the cards for me. (Due to occupation, location in the country and financial considerations, I was not able to re-enact when i was younger, although I did want to.) I'm sure there are other older collectors and history buffs who would like to re-enact but find themselves similarly challenged.

    Would there be any room in U.S. re-enacting for a Volksturm unit? If so, are there any events that would be appropriate for a Volksturm contingent?

    Any thoughts would be much appreciated!




    Guess not...


      I think most reenactors would be better off reenaction in a Volksturm unit....

      ... but admitting that would mean they accept that they are 20 years the wrong side of lean and mean ;-)

      Admitting that would be as depressing as realising that what you thought was a glowing smile at the lady behind the bar, what you thought she would take as a compliment.... is in fact seen from her side as a perverted drooling middle age man learing at her....

      So as long as men fool themselves into thinking 20 year ols barmaids are flattered when a 50 year old dude looks at her boobs... as long as they believe that.... that is as long as they believe their 50 year old asses look better in a SS privates uniform than they would in a volksturm uniform!

      Kudos to John for accepting aging gracefully! I do not re-enact.... but have promised myself I would no longer drool at barmaids!!! :-)


        I saw a group of Volkssturm re-enactors one year at The Battle of the Bulge re-enactment in PA. They did look pretty authentic. So there has to be other groups out there. If not maybe start your own group.


          Lol! Thanks!

          Well said, Chris! Thanks for the compliment -- I always say, I am a realist, as much as possible!

          A bit of advice from an older, long-married fellow: A good poker-face and excellent peripheral vision can be valuable survival tools when it comes to not leering at 20-year old barmaids! Especially if the wife is on the scene!

          STG44, thanks very much for the tip!! I will do some inquiring with re-enactor groups directly, and see what I can learn.

          I appreciate your help!



            Volkssturm Impression

            I started reenacting in 1983 (Ironically the same year I got divorced) although work interfered quite a bit I did find time to attend several events over the years doing American Civil War (both sides) WWI German, WWII German (Heer Infantry, Luftwaffe Fallschirmjager, Waffen SS) and American (Infantry and Airborne)
            I will be 65 next month and unable to accurately portray an 18 year old anymore so now I take my 10 year old grandson with me to a WWII Living History display and show battle at a local museum. He is tall and thin so he looks pretty good in a small size M-44 tunic and M-43 trousers. I bought him an IMA Panzerfaust and a dummy MP-44 for visuals as he is too young to actually engage in the show battle. We both wear the Volkssturm armbands and stay back during the fighting.
            Now I have to get another uniform as he has another 10 year old that wants to come out. I have plenty enough gear to supply them both.
            I have a grand time as both boys love to listen to war stories, about battles, and are eager to learn about the uniforms and equipment.


              I have actually went out and reenacted Volksturm a few years ago. The problem with it would be the lack of later war events both tactical and public field battle types. Alot of reenactors would match the age criteria, but the uniform (or lack of) and/or weapons are not that sexy so there is not much of a following that would be needed to form a unit.




                Hi, folks,

                Glad to hear someone out there has actually done it! DennyB,
                that is very cool indeed! I'm glad you are getting to spend good
                times with your grandson, and he's both interested in history and
                having a great time!

                Dieter, your points are well made. I wonder if there is room for a
                lone "Werwolf" partisan/sniper type to add a bit of spice to the action?
                Perhaps that might be a way to get into it without having a full unit?
                I wonder if working with 1 or several active units, but as an "auxiliary"
                might be feasible?

                It helps that I speak pretty good German, am former Army, know the Heer
                and Waffen-SS ranks, etc., and am able to follow instructions so as not to
                pose an inconvenience!



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