Yes, some of these fallens will come back home in the near future. Not many, unfortunately. The condition of the grave was a disaster, and there was only a short time available to recover the remains, as the land was intended for construction. The excavation was directed by the german VDK, italian volunteers worked under their supervision. The mass grave revailed a total of 1657 fallens (this is the grandtotal of the 2017 and 2018 campaigns). Only something like the 4,5% of them had a dogtag, and very frequently the dogtag was impossible to correlate to a body. The bonds were often mixed up, so it was even hard to identify a single unknown soldier.
At last, 10 unknown and 2 identified italian soldiers will be sent back to Italy. I don't know about the faith of the hungarian and german fallens. The unidentified soldiers (for whom was impossible to identify even the nationality and that are the majority) have been reburried in the Falenki war cemetery, around 50kms from Kirov.
These sacred images were found in the mass grave. They were usually worn by catholic soldiers. Most are italians, some hungarians but one has writings in english!
The larger one is a "Madonna degli Alpini", St Mary of the mountain troops, and is made in silver.
A small book about what was done in Russia will be soon available!
At the moment only in italian language.
Many color pictures, 76 pages, priced at 10€.
The earnings will be entirely devolved to the Italian Recovery Mission
Yesterday, March 2nd 2019, a funeral for 14 italian fallens has taken place in the Russian Campaign's fallens memorial in Cargacco (Udine). Twelve of those (2 identified) were recovered in Kirov during the 2017 and 2018 missions.