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Create fortification monument of World War II, Ukraine

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    Unfortunately, clearing the south side of buildings, fallen earth. We have to perform extra work - re-dig input

    We patiently work - this is not the most annoying ...

    Andrew continues to bite into the slag layer. Today, he and Michael are working without a partner

    We are very favorable weather - not too hot, occasionally rain. Rain does not stop us. The only thing we regret - that did not start work before, for example, in May ...

    To be continued ...


      Amazing progress, keep it up! It is looking great. Thanks for the photos.



        To be continued ...



          To be continued ...



            My wife Irina is trying to learn to work the metal detector

            She was active in helping fox terrier Bassey

            Beginner's luck - they found casings from "Mauser"

            Children of the locals are very interested in what we're doing here

            We tell the children about the Second World War, we tell about the events of 70 years ago. We talk about the fact that there will be ... We have no doubt.

            To be continued ...


              Amazing!!!Great thread



                In the middle of the day came to a specialist and director of the construction company. We asked him to at least roughly calculate the cost of repair of the roof of the building.

                In addition, we are interested to hear his views on the organization of drainage of rain water. He gave us some good advice.

                Personally, I was beginning to irritate the uncertainty of the plan further activities ... We are caught in hopes of charity. I can not create a budget, since it is not clear how much money we can spend. Unfortunately, it turns out that our team of enthusiasts do not have people with higher incomes, there is no business ... This is natural, because in our country, people with higher income are not interested in such "nonsense" as the restoration of fortifications.

                Today we are constantly distracts someone from work ... Children, guests, someone else - it's unnerving. But if you look at it from the other side - for them, for the kids, it's all done. Do not delude ourselves - generation of my age in captivity stereotypes, well-established Soviet-era notions of historical processes. It is hoped the younger generation, our children - they have every chance to grow up without a twisted mind, without the pressure of Soviet propaganda. I hope that we, in some way, try this ...

                This is the main part of our team of enthusiasts. "Behind the scenes" were only Irina, Bessie ... Someone afraid of difficulties, someone scares the scope of work, some people just thought it would be a lot of fun ... But that's okay - there were the very people on whom we can hope ... That "stretched" the project - I do not doubt it.

                Best regards.
                Konstantyn Abramenko

                Р.S. We are grateful for the financial support we are grateful for every Еuro. And for every Euro will report back. Financial resources in the first place, will be spent on:

                1. Search and acquisition of archival documents.
                2. Acquisition of working model of a machine gun MG-34 for use in fortifications.
                3. Work on the installation of doors (grids) at the entrance to the construction and protection of the embrasures.
                4. Other construction and repair work.
                5. Production of information stands.

                Below are the details of the bank account to help:

                Beneficiary: acc. 038-26255111765
                Bank of Beneficiary : Raiffeisen Bank AVAL
                Donetsk, UKRAINE
                SWIFT: AVAL UA UK DON
                Correspondent bank : acc 9470329 10
                SWIFT: DEUTDEFF

                (NOSTRO ACCOUNTS)
                Bank Name and Citi: Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
                Account Number: 9470329 10
                Currency: EUR
                S.W.I.F.T. BIC: DEUTDEFF

                Bank Name and Citi: Raiffeisen Zentralbank Oesterreich, Vienna, Avstria
                Account Number: 55022305
                Currency: EUR
                S.W.I.F.T. BIC: RZBAATWW

                Please, be advised that according to the current legislative acts of Ukraine, we cannot accept payment in favour of the beneficiary if this payment originates from entrepreneurial activity of any kind. So, please, refrain from usinh such definitions as «contract», «bill », «invoice» etc. In details of payment (field #70 or # 72).

                Raiffeisen Bank AVAL
                OFFICE: 46V, F. ZAITZEVA STR., 83086, DONETSK, UKRAINE
                TEL: (062) 337-19-13, (062) 337-25-47 TELEX: 631032 AVAL UX
                S.W.I.F.T.: AVAL UA UK DON
                Last edited by Shipmaster; 07-25-2013, 02:00 PM.


                  Nice photo documentary, and excellent work. Keep it up!



                    Many thanks to all colleagues and caring people for the fact that you are reading my reports. This is evident by the number of views of the topic. So it's no wonder, then it is interesting not only for us but also in other countries. I am grateful to all of you for the moral support and encouragement of our initiatives. When you realize that it is of interest not only to a narrow circle of enthusiasts, it motivates to further action. I ask everyone to be included in the debate, it does not look monologue. Please make suggestions, maybe we're doing something wrong, maybe something can be done better and more interesting. Ask to speak.
                    As long as we pause in work. Sergei and Michael went on vacation with their families went to the Crimea, to rest on the sea. Andrew and I are planning to go on vacation next week - I'll go with his wife to the Holy Mountain on the River Donets improve my health, treat the spine, Andrew plans to go fishing on the river Donets. In fact, a pause in the work with the uncertainty caused by the repair and construction works. The money that we have collected on their own, clearly not enough to finance these activities. City officials promised to help, but as soon as it is - is unknown. Generally, Aug. difficult month - all on vacation.
                    The excavations bunker found 11 shell casings and bullets. I offer you a small study, authored by team member Michael Naydenko. He's a specialist in weapons.

                    Sleeve number 1

                    Liner 7.92 x57 from a German rifle and machine-gun cartridges unitary Mauser. The cartridge used for firing a rifle Mauser, Gewehr and machine guns MG (including MG-34/42).
                    Material - Brass. It was released in 1943 in Germany. Manufacturer - Factory Vereinigte Deutsche Nickelwerke AG, Ruhr city (lot number 2).
                    Cartridge ammunition bunker was in September 1943, but the fighting did not participate and only later it was broken out of a bullet, and the sleeve is thrown into the fire.

                    Sleeve number 2

                    Sleeve from the German rifle and machine-gun cartridges unitary Mauser 7.92 x57, which was used to fire the rifle Mauser, Gewehr and machine guns MG (including MG-34/42).
                    This sleeve is made in June 1938 in Czechoslovakia. Producer - factory Zbrojovka Brno (AS), was Považska Bystrica.
                    Shooting case has not, bullet broken out.

                    Sleeve number 3

                    Liner 7.92 x57 from a German rifle and machine-gun cartridges unitary Mauser. The cartridge used for firing a rifle Mauser, Gewehr and machine guns MG (including MG-34/42).
                    Material - Brass. It was released in 1936 in Germany. Manufacturer - Factory D.W.M. AG, Berlin-Borsigwalde, Berlin (lot number 22).
                    According to the cartridge was fired from the German MG-42 machine gun.

                    Sleeve number 4

                    Sleeve from the German rifle and machine-gun cartridges unitary Mauser 7.92 x57, which was used to fire the rifle Mauser, Gewehr and machine guns MG (including MG-34/42).
                    This sleeve is made in September 1938 in Czechoslovakia (factory Sellier and Bellot, Prague).
                    Shooting case has not, with a bullet thrown into the fire, and then, as a result of the detonation, the upper part of the sleeve was torn off.

                    ] Sleeve number 5

                    Liner 7.92 x57 from a German rifle and machine-gun cartridges unitary Mauser. The cartridge used for firing a rifle Mauser, Gewehr and machine guns MG (including MG-34/42).
                    Material - steel, brass plated. Sleeve released in 1940 in Germany. Manufacturer - Factory Westfälische Metallindustrie AG, was Liebstadt (batch number 2). Supplier of metal blank factory August-Thyssen-Hütte AG, Duisburg. Electroplating is done at the factory Eduard Hueck Metallwarenfabrik, Lüdenscheid city. Steel composition: C: 0,15 - 0,22%, Mn: 0,4%, Si: 0,12%, P: 0,03%, S: 0,03%.

                    Cartridge number 6

                    German rifle and machine-gun unitary cartridge Mauser 7.92 x57.
                    Is designed to be fired from rifles Mauser, Gewehr and machine guns MG (including MG-34/42).
                    Liner made in December 1935 in Czechoslovakia (factory Sellier and Bellot, Prague). The cartridge is deactivated.

                    Cartridge number 7

                    German rifle and machine-gun unitary cartridge Mauser 7.92 x57.
                    Is designed to be fired from rifles Mauser, Gewehr and machine guns MG (including MG-34/42).
                    Liner made in August 1938 in Czechoslovakia. Producer - factory Zbrojovka Brno (AS), was Považska Bystrica. The cartridge is deactivated.

                    Cartridge number 8

                    German rifle and machine-gun unitary cartridge Mauser 7.92 x57.
                    Is designed to be fired from rifles Mauser, Gewehr and machine guns MG (including MG-34/42).
                    Liner made in May 1938 in Czechoslovakia. Producer - factory Zbrojovka Brno (AS),
                    g Považska Bystrica. The cartridge is deactivated.

                    Sleeve number 9

                    Sleeve from the German rifle and machine-gun cartridges unitary Mauser 7.92 x57, which was used to fire the rifle Mauser, Gewehr and machine guns MG (including MG-34/42).
                    This sleeve is made in August 1939 in Czechoslovakia. Producer - factory Zbrojovka Brno (AS), was Považska Bystrica.
                    Cartridge ammunition bunker was in September 1943, but the fighting did not participate and only later it was broken out of a bullet, and the sleeve is thrown into the fire.

                    Sleeve number 10

                    Liner 7.92 x57 from a German rifle and machine-gun cartridges unitary Mauser. The cartridge used for firing a rifle Mauser, Gewehr and machine guns MG (including MG-34/42).
                    This sleeve is made in September 1938 in Czechoslovakia (factory Sellier and Bellot, Prague).
                    From this bullet cartridge was broken out, and the sleeve is thrown into the fire.

                    Sleeve number 11

                    Sleeve from the German rifle and machine-gun cartridges unitary Mauser 7.92 x57, which was used to fire the rifle Mauser, Gewehr and machine guns MG (including MG-34/42).
                    Produced in May 1938 in Czechoslovakia. Producer - factory Zbrojovka Brno (AS),
                    Považska Bystrica.
                    From this bullet cartridge was broken out, and the sleeve is thrown into the fire.

                    Best regards.
                    Konstantyn Abramenko



                      I understand almost nothing in sociology. I am an engineer of Radio Engineering, working as chief engineer at Kramators'k branch of a national provider of cable television and Internet access. I have been working in the industry 14 years. Since 2004, I search for and study of the fortifications of the Second World War in Ukraine. This is the German fortifications. This is my hobby, I dedicate this all my free time from work. I guess I looked at all the extant today, the German fortifications on the territory of Ukraine. But I have not abandoned hope that will be found for some of them.
                      Naturally, that time is - "we have grown from children's pants." It is natural that there will come a time when personal interests are materialized in a community project. And that moment has arrived. This is the only monument of the fortification on the territory of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus of such content. What is it unique? And the fact that this is the only monument of the fortification on the "Eastern Front", which will be based on precisely the German fortification. It will be a monument to all fallen soldiers on the Eastern Front, without exception, with both warring sides, of all nationalities.

                      With your help, or without it, with the city government, with or without - the project will be brought to an end ... I do not want to talk about it (and probably do not need to talk about it) - into our bank account for charitable donations have not received a single cent . No information help either. This shows that (I mean sociology) - that this project apart from us broke. This is unfortunate, but true. I hope and believe that this project is needed for our children. I really hope. The more I have nothing on hope, but to his comrades. This project will be completed very soon, no matter what problems and difficulties. And then I invite everyone to Ukraine, with their own eyes to see and touch hands.

                      Best regards.
                      Last edited by Shipmaster; 07-28-2013, 01:33 PM.



                        We all came back from holidays. And I must tell you that the project continues to move and realized. Albeit not as rapidly as planned. Great credit goes to Vice Mayor Andrew Bessonny. His promises were not just words, it fulfills its promises. Builders patched a hole in the brick wall fortification. Brought to the site concrete blocks for building the road. This week will close access to this facility - set to the input array.

                        I am proud of my fellow countrymen - we find the time and money to restore a fortification of our enemy in the last war. This suggests that we are all - above the stereotypes and old grudges. What did have an understanding of the importance of preserving historical memory. This is good. I'd like to thank all the Ukrainians, who helped finance, information and personal participation in the works. Thank you and I'm proud that I also Ukrainian.

                        Surprised by the other. And not even the fact that the charity account no one from Western Europe did not list even one Euro. This is me just clear - the higher the level of life, the more people are indifferent to such diversions. But no one helped information - we do not quite know how these buildings were equipped inside. On the other hand, it does not deprive the visitors a fun to poke a finger in the future - it is not, it's not right ...

                        I will continue to inform the dear community on progress.

                        Best regards.


                          You Guys just did fantastic work! My hat is off


                            Great work !!



                              Thanks to all of you who follow this subject, who writes and gives advice to those who are concerned and take a genuine interest. Thank you all very much! I assure you that we will do everything possible so as not to overshadow your expectations.

                              As I promised, I will be informed about the news of the project. Report - despite some difficulties and problems, there is a positive move in this direction. Once again I want to thank the city of executive power in the person of Vice-Mayor Andrew Bessonny for their great support and help. And of course, many thanks to the sponsors who, fortunately, there were also donated funds for the restoration work. Once again I should clarify - this project is not spent a single euro from the budget of the city, only the means of the project participants, and private sponsors. Point.

                              Today, September 2, 2013, we - I, Sergei Kukochka, Michael Naydenko and Viktor Ivanov, arrived at the facility to verify the quality of the work. And, of course, other steps and timeline. The scheme is simple: cost estimate was made for a certain amount of work - sponsors have donated this amount - construction team completed the work.
                              Unfortunately the first phase of the reconstruction can not be completed before September 6-7. September 7 marks exactly 70 years since the battle for Kramators'k.

                              I will not describe all the details, I hope that you all will see in the pictures and mark progress.

                              That was until 22.06.2013

                              So it became 02.09.2013

                              To be continued ...



                                To be continued ...


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