hey there colin
Wow thats alot of questions mate, but if you cant ask questions well never get a answear and we dont need history either, right.
Well let me first congrat you whit these VIP papers you have and wich is a missing part of the resistance chapther in german history until now and a great part of evidence in the history to what happend and ended this heros life.
Well Schrader was a great part of the resistance circkel arround the 20 july attemt , normally its forbidden for me whit common sense to scale people but in a organisation where all are heroes from top to bottom then he can imo be messerged on the importence of the role/function he played and from 1 to 10 ill say his role was a clear 6 but that a Whole history in itsefl and some still under history discuss he was the main factor of gathering information on the SS atrossities in the polish area, i might later this year make a thread of the german resistance Groups where meny of these people despite all odds and serten death worked against the terror performed by the 3 Reich.
Well lets get back on the track and yes the zossen akten was actually 2 finds, first they found the plans for the 20 july attemt whit meny names of vip, there escaperoute, detail plans etc. and later they found the canarris day books in wich the organisation is in detailes descriped along whit alot of Loose documents so highly compromicing evidence, these 2 founds is making the zossen akten. its is for me still unclear if we are talking 2 diff safe or the same safe these documents and books was found, but using logic ill say 2 diff safe bec they must be exrtreem slow readers if they found both in the same safe but in that case Schrader would have canarris books and by defination not be the safe on the denkmal. And yes the denkmal is raised by the evangelisher kirche the very same organisation Dietrich Bonhoeffer was priest, shraeder was member along whit his dear friend Freytag von Loringhoven but the very same safe that are used for the denkmal is a original panzersafe from the former Haus der Offizirer added whit art form the evanglischer kirches youth. So imo most likley the same safe where some of the akten was found.
But Schrader in wich your papers is arround was not menched in these zossen akten by name but sertenly was deeply involved but his cover was comprimiced in the end of the surch for evidence that involved the participating parts of the resistance organisation, his name was on some of the papers stacked away during the meny raids by the gestapo while they rolled up the organisation step by step whit the german Words " ordnung muss sein " so he knew from the 20 july until his death that is was on lent time before his name was approching the stage so schreader was under extreme pressure in a half dead stage trying to maintain a normal facade along helping his friends whit a pinhole of hope of his name not showing up on the list but after his dear friend Freytag von Loringhoven did commit suicide was manly the trigger to no hope at all and he was compromiced too at that point so a hero whit expertice in gatering evidence whitout any hope of escape, no friends and no time, so basicly he had no choise bec if the gestapo had getting there fingers arround him, hell never get the luxery of getting a bullit.
The evidence thats was gathered by Schrader was schredded by gestapo so well never get a escact wiew of the ammount of evidence he gathred and that inflict the scale of importness or gets his role a bit blurey but imm not in doubt that these very courages men was more then professional and did there job fermly and imo hopefully hell by time get the right place in history in wich he deserves. If you wanna honnor this courages man then you can find him at the zossen friedhof in the suiside rank graves of person from maybach present there, but you have already planned that, right colin
Your question arround where he killed himself in either maybach 1 or 2 is asking where the " mark of the X " is but he was on the okh side wich is maybach 1 so i can whit some 98 % sure say that it is on the maybach 1 area bec the maybach 2 was Manly used by the wehrmachtführungsstab planning the ardennen offencive both some before and especially after the offensive in the retreat fase so basicly it was a hoc FHQ for these, and furtheron the maybach complex was a unfinnished FHQ complex only operating in the end of the war whit only a 1/3 kapacity so siedlungshaus A13 to A15 was operationel and occupied by this staff + entourage. before that time the complex was less then a 1/3 bec of the moving of the " bunkerprogram " and mostly was a Building ground filled whit people for OT. It can be hard to say excat where he killed himself Manly bec the two complexces are " grown" together but what i can find in the history is that most of the suisiders from zossen did commit suiside at there officers quaters or barraks at maybach 1. As i read history some of the Führer-Begleitbataillon in wich it original was build for was also from time to time present in the area to maintain the führer kolonne in wich very large numbers of troops was involved. The hard part of the search is Manly bec of the high secret classification this area had and what happens inside the walls stays behind the walls. Luckely for us its slowly surfing.
ill set a coupple of documents pics on here arround the FHQ.
Well the last question is newtime and yes the Maybach 2 area is way to dangerus to explore alone, you can easly get spiked or step on something fatal, the area is practical as they left it in 48 and Theres a fence all arround the area whit " no tresspassing " and " dangerus area " that will meet your eyes so its slowly composing whit the lack of Money needed for preserving history wich imo is a pretty bad and sad thing.
Hopefully you got a replie on your questions you can use, and the denkmal is present just outside the Gutenberghaus just across the road where you buy tour tickets so its pretty easy to find.
cheers mate
first pic : Werner Schrader
Second pic : the organisation arround the Führer kolonne in whic the Führer-Begleitbataillon had people from both Heers and luftwaffe to support them.
Wow thats alot of questions mate, but if you cant ask questions well never get a answear and we dont need history either, right.
Well let me first congrat you whit these VIP papers you have and wich is a missing part of the resistance chapther in german history until now and a great part of evidence in the history to what happend and ended this heros life.
Well Schrader was a great part of the resistance circkel arround the 20 july attemt , normally its forbidden for me whit common sense to scale people but in a organisation where all are heroes from top to bottom then he can imo be messerged on the importence of the role/function he played and from 1 to 10 ill say his role was a clear 6 but that a Whole history in itsefl and some still under history discuss he was the main factor of gathering information on the SS atrossities in the polish area, i might later this year make a thread of the german resistance Groups where meny of these people despite all odds and serten death worked against the terror performed by the 3 Reich.
Well lets get back on the track and yes the zossen akten was actually 2 finds, first they found the plans for the 20 july attemt whit meny names of vip, there escaperoute, detail plans etc. and later they found the canarris day books in wich the organisation is in detailes descriped along whit alot of Loose documents so highly compromicing evidence, these 2 founds is making the zossen akten. its is for me still unclear if we are talking 2 diff safe or the same safe these documents and books was found, but using logic ill say 2 diff safe bec they must be exrtreem slow readers if they found both in the same safe but in that case Schrader would have canarris books and by defination not be the safe on the denkmal. And yes the denkmal is raised by the evangelisher kirche the very same organisation Dietrich Bonhoeffer was priest, shraeder was member along whit his dear friend Freytag von Loringhoven but the very same safe that are used for the denkmal is a original panzersafe from the former Haus der Offizirer added whit art form the evanglischer kirches youth. So imo most likley the same safe where some of the akten was found.
But Schrader in wich your papers is arround was not menched in these zossen akten by name but sertenly was deeply involved but his cover was comprimiced in the end of the surch for evidence that involved the participating parts of the resistance organisation, his name was on some of the papers stacked away during the meny raids by the gestapo while they rolled up the organisation step by step whit the german Words " ordnung muss sein " so he knew from the 20 july until his death that is was on lent time before his name was approching the stage so schreader was under extreme pressure in a half dead stage trying to maintain a normal facade along helping his friends whit a pinhole of hope of his name not showing up on the list but after his dear friend Freytag von Loringhoven did commit suicide was manly the trigger to no hope at all and he was compromiced too at that point so a hero whit expertice in gatering evidence whitout any hope of escape, no friends and no time, so basicly he had no choise bec if the gestapo had getting there fingers arround him, hell never get the luxery of getting a bullit.
The evidence thats was gathered by Schrader was schredded by gestapo so well never get a escact wiew of the ammount of evidence he gathred and that inflict the scale of importness or gets his role a bit blurey but imm not in doubt that these very courages men was more then professional and did there job fermly and imo hopefully hell by time get the right place in history in wich he deserves. If you wanna honnor this courages man then you can find him at the zossen friedhof in the suiside rank graves of person from maybach present there, but you have already planned that, right colin
Your question arround where he killed himself in either maybach 1 or 2 is asking where the " mark of the X " is but he was on the okh side wich is maybach 1 so i can whit some 98 % sure say that it is on the maybach 1 area bec the maybach 2 was Manly used by the wehrmachtführungsstab planning the ardennen offencive both some before and especially after the offensive in the retreat fase so basicly it was a hoc FHQ for these, and furtheron the maybach complex was a unfinnished FHQ complex only operating in the end of the war whit only a 1/3 kapacity so siedlungshaus A13 to A15 was operationel and occupied by this staff + entourage. before that time the complex was less then a 1/3 bec of the moving of the " bunkerprogram " and mostly was a Building ground filled whit people for OT. It can be hard to say excat where he killed himself Manly bec the two complexces are " grown" together but what i can find in the history is that most of the suisiders from zossen did commit suiside at there officers quaters or barraks at maybach 1. As i read history some of the Führer-Begleitbataillon in wich it original was build for was also from time to time present in the area to maintain the führer kolonne in wich very large numbers of troops was involved. The hard part of the search is Manly bec of the high secret classification this area had and what happens inside the walls stays behind the walls. Luckely for us its slowly surfing.
ill set a coupple of documents pics on here arround the FHQ.
Well the last question is newtime and yes the Maybach 2 area is way to dangerus to explore alone, you can easly get spiked or step on something fatal, the area is practical as they left it in 48 and Theres a fence all arround the area whit " no tresspassing " and " dangerus area " that will meet your eyes so its slowly composing whit the lack of Money needed for preserving history wich imo is a pretty bad and sad thing.
Hopefully you got a replie on your questions you can use, and the denkmal is present just outside the Gutenberghaus just across the road where you buy tour tickets so its pretty easy to find.
cheers mate
first pic : Werner Schrader
Second pic : the organisation arround the Führer kolonne in whic the Führer-Begleitbataillon had people from both Heers and luftwaffe to support them.