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Anything to see in North Africa?

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    "Ill tell you guys when eygpt someday admits they have a mine problem which they are trying hard to cover up. Then when theres mine action programmes that need to be set up, we will see what pops up from the sandy areas nobody could get to before!!! "

    Egypt does admit a mine problem, and as far as I know, they even try to grossly exagerate it to get aid from various sources. The people in Cairo are much more scared of the mines then the ones who actualy live in the mined zones. The army is demining right now and has been for years.
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      Here is the kind of things the locals find. (this thing is owned by a forum member, and if he wants, I will delete his picture). But places like Russia are much much better to find stuff. In Russia items are more plentyfull and in better condition, and in Russia, they DO still find tanks, some still complete with paint!

      Actually, the mines are a blessing for the preservation of the battlefield of Alamein. Once they are gone, the egyptian government has plans to full the Quatara depression with water, to devellope the coastal zone into a tourist ttraction and have plenty of oil extractions points. Basicaly, it will be ruined. I am glad there are still dangerous places in the world. It keeps the tourists and all their corruption out.
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        I,d love to go to russia and have a mooch about but there is a language barrier i have been told, most countries you can get by but russia is a lot harder is this true?


          Its a little deeper then that jean...Demining programmes and work are very political and often planned with purpose...

          its not the ww2 mines and uxos that are the main problem although they are very active and cause many accidents, its the ones they have laid recently since ww2, along the borders etc..Anti pers mines and AT (that they dont want cleared for protection reasons cos theyre already laid from recent wars and theyre just fine where they are ...and they have not they signed the treaty to not use AP mines and destroy all their stocks and thats the reason) ...

          The thing is eygpt doesnt want to start accepting the aid for real proffessional demining programmes and going all out to set up mine action programmes (which would actually clear the mines and leave them militariily open to isreal who also havent signed the treaty, but again as long as they dont sign the treaty nothing can really start and theyre borders are safe) and i believe the word from them was that they are handling it on their own and dont want internationals, they delibratily keep down accident statistics which is a fact and say commonly they are from the ww2 mines causing the accidents so i heard when i was in sudan from our survey people who deal with stats. Belive me we would love to get in there and start really clearing that place trust me!!...that would be an awesome posting!!

          Belive me these nations say all sorts of stuff to get aid money, but once they got it, they got it and they go back to their old tune. The arab world is certainly intresting that way in demining...feels like pushing **** uphill sometimes!!



            "I,d love to go to russia and have a mooch about but there is a language barrier i have been told, most countries you can get by but russia is a lot harder is this true?"

            Langage problems can be overcome (didnt stop me, see pic). See this thread:

            "Its a little deeper then that jean...Demining programmes and work are very political and often planned with purpose..."
            Yeah, I know. Apparently, around alamein, the mines are pretty harmless, but the government makes a big fuss to try to get money from Germany, Britton, etc, as they planted them. In the picture above, you see their little propaganda display. I think they even have a helipad next to it now, so that they can fly important people in. When ever there is an article about the mines, they show this place. In the background of the picture, you can even see some journalists brewing up the next propaganda op.
            When one of their modern mines kills someone between Alamein and Lybia, they accuse WW2 stuff I am sure.
            About, Sinai, I dont know the situation, well, or the danger, although I know it is thick with explosves and other crap. I have a few pieces I picket up there.
            But you know about all this stuff better then me.
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