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nice Stalingrad and Westfront related group of the 94. and 361. Infanterie Division

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    nice Stalingrad and Westfront related group of the 94. and 361. Infanterie Division

    Hello friends, I would like to show here a little Stalingrad related group from Horst Renner.
    As some of you know I collect papers from the 267. Infanterie Division and to my shame I only looked at the "267" of the IR/GR 267 and didn't realise that this Unit wasn't part of the 267. ID.
    But I think this isn't a problem as this group is a nice piece of history and Horst Renner saw much action. I don't know if Renner survived the war but the Volksbund webpage doesn't show a matching grave.
    Now I would like to show the docs.
    Last edited by mpiering; 07-28-2015, 05:08 AM.

    Let's start with the EK2 document which was awarded on March, 11th 1942. It's signed by Generalmajor Georg Pfeiffer.
    At this time the 94. Infaterie Division fought in the area Kramatorsk (Donezbecken).
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      Few days after recieving the EK2 Horst Renner was awarded the IAB in silver on March, 27th 1942.
      The IAB document was signed by Oberstleutnant Erich Reimann.
      At this time the 94. Infaterie Division was still assigned in the area Kramatorsk (Donezbecken).
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        "In August 1942 the 94. ID moved to Stalingrad. If Horst Renner was wounded before or during the march to Stalingrad I don't know. The document for the black woundbadge was awarded on September, 9th 1942. Does anyone know who signed this document?
        The 94. ID fought hard battles in the Kessel of Stalingrad and was there destroyed in January 1943."
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          For the participation in the Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/42 Horst Renner was awarded the Ostmedaille. It was signed by an Oberleutnant "Scholz" of the GR 952 - does anyone have more information about Oberleutnant Scholz?
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            For a long time Horst Renner didn't get more awards. The IR 267 was destroyed in the Kessel of Stalingrad as written above. Horst Renner surved the battle and came from Grenadier Regiment 878 to Grenadier Regiment 952, which was part of the 361. Infanterie Division.
            At April, 4th 1944 Uffz. Renner was awared the Close Combat Clasp in Bronze. The "Zweitschrift" of this doc was signed by a Hauptmann Gey. Does anyone has more information about Hauptmann Gey?
            The 361. Infanterie Division fought at this time in Tarnopol / Brody, where it was destroyed in July 1944.
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              As writte above the 361. was destroyed in the Kessel of Brody. It seems that Uffz. Renner had one more time luck to to escape his fate after escaping the Kessel of Stalingrad. But if he was happy I can't believe.
              Renner now came to the Westfront.
              As replacement for the 361. ID the 361. Volks-Granadier-Division was built up. This division fought in the area of Arnheim / Saarpfalz. During this battles Uffz Renner was awarded the KVK 2nd Class on September, 1st 1944 as a member of Kampfbataillon 361. This is the last doc if this little group. Can anyone help which Hauptmann signed the KVK document?
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                I hope you enjoyed this little presentation. If anyone has more information or can help with the signatures he is very welcome.


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