I don't know if thise thread is allowed in thise section, but it is the closest I could come after studying thise great forum.
Some of you might know me, but for those who don't allow me to try to present my self as good as I can.
First; the nickname I use means "broken" in Flemish it seammed to me very appropriate to use when collecting militaria, especialy second world war.
I was profesionaly always into restorations, and re-started collecting militaria after nearly 30 years. I did so, some 3 years ago, because I was looking to use leftovers of the materials I used to do my job.
Thise is what I am going to show you in the comming messages.
It could take some time as I am on laptop on the momment and do not have acces to my PC for my whole documentation.
Never the less I can show you a German spiked helmet, entirely made of a resin.
Exept for the chinstrap every part is made in resin.
It shows that what ever part of a helmet is missing it can be made.
I don't know if thise thread is allowed in thise section, but it is the closest I could come after studying thise great forum.
Some of you might know me, but for those who don't allow me to try to present my self as good as I can.
First; the nickname I use means "broken" in Flemish it seammed to me very appropriate to use when collecting militaria, especialy second world war.
I was profesionaly always into restorations, and re-started collecting militaria after nearly 30 years. I did so, some 3 years ago, because I was looking to use leftovers of the materials I used to do my job.
Thise is what I am going to show you in the comming messages.
It could take some time as I am on laptop on the momment and do not have acces to my PC for my whole documentation.
Never the less I can show you a German spiked helmet, entirely made of a resin.
Exept for the chinstrap every part is made in resin.
It shows that what ever part of a helmet is missing it can be made.