Yes, I have applied Renaissance Wax over zinc pest AFTER I have cleaned and thoroughly dried by badge(s). I believe the Ren Wax will block any moisture from getting to the badge again because of it's micro layer it leaves on the badge, so with the absence of moisture the zinc pest 'should not' continue to worsen. To give an accurate assessment on how well this product has worked for me I cannot because I live in a very low humidity environment, an avearge of 6% humidity. I see no spreading or worsening of the zinc pest spots on the badge(s), so I 'presume' it is working. Again, this could be due to the environment I keep the badges in. Personally, I like the idea of shielding the badges with the thin layer of Ren Wax because I know it keeps unwanted moisture out, and this is all important in checking the spreading of zinc pest. And, I feel that using Ren Wax BEFORE cleaning and drying a badge would trap the existing moisture within, causing the zinc rot to continue. Some would argue this point because with the lack of oxygen there would be no further growth. This 'may' be the case, but I personally feel safer applying the wax after I have cleaned and dried the piece. BTW, it's a wonderful product for dagger blades. Stu shared this with me, and it really does work well. As far as applying the wax to badges or crosses with good existing finishes, I hesitate in doing this. For me, it is only for sealing moisture out on pieces that have existing problems, or that have no remaining finish to prevent zinc pest from forming. I don't think I would want to apply it over the nice silver frosting on a mint IAB or GAB. I leave well-enough alone. My thoughts...