SS SD M-40, and it is an ET. This helmet came from an 82nd AB vet from the Bulge and was captured at Trois Pointes. The man had the helmet in his garage and was using it to keep nails and screws in it. When I bought the helmet ($50), the man's wife felt bad for having him take money for it, so she had the man give me $25 back on the helmet. Needless to say I was a happy camper.
The liner and as you can see it is in pretty rough shape. I added the black string. Even though this SS helmet is in worn shape I really like it a lot, and I would not trade it for a nicer conditioned example.
My near mint DD M-35 Police. This helmet was obtained from a veteran in my neighborhood in the late early 80's. This helmet was brough over to my house and the man asked me if I wanted it, if not he was going to donate it. I guess you guys can figure out what I said to him.
Hi guys,
I also have a near mint one of these. I have had this since the 70's, at the time I paid $15 for it. It is amazing what near mint to mint WWII US helmets are going for now. Ever since "Saving Private Ryan" the price on nice US helmets and HJ knives has exploded.