i have many different areas of stuff within my collection however this is one of the smallest areas yet one of my favorite due to how much I love watching movies, theres only 2 examples but both are screen used examples
#1 Hellboy Knights Cross
in the movie Hellboy there is a part at the beginning during ww2, I have one of the knight's crosses worn by the character Karl Ruprecht Kroenen during this scene, there were several made for this scene including at least 2 without a swastika, the one in the included picture from the movie below this I am fairly certain is the exact one I own
#2 Von Ryan's Express Officer's Jacket
I bought this from a guy at a reenactment at Camp Roberts in April 2014, the guy selling it said he once worked for SM Wholesale and at one point when he worked there they bought an old warehouse and when he entered there where boxes of german uniforms in boxes marked "Von Ryan's Express" some were in rough shape so he liberated the ones in better condition including this one I ended up buying for $20 and its construction quality is almost dead identical to original uniforms included many small things repros tend to not get right, now since it was a stripped tunic with no name its all guessing as to where it is in the movie, however I think I found it in the movie, half the officer uniforms in the movie have gold buttons ruling those out, some are SS those are rules out, some are poor quality with no pocket pleats and those are ruled out same with any uniforms that look more blue than grey, I can see where the collar tabs were fairly well so I took to watching the movie and judging which one it is based on where stuff looked like it once was, to me it appears to be the uniform worn by Major Von Klemment (Wolfgang Preiss) when he took control of the train and ended up in the train closet behind a poor repro for the rest of the movie, it could possibly have been also been worn by the priest pretending to be the major but if it was the collar tabs don't match up and I missed it, judge for yourselves I am including a promo image from the film and some from the film I believe might be this uniform
#1 Hellboy Knights Cross
in the movie Hellboy there is a part at the beginning during ww2, I have one of the knight's crosses worn by the character Karl Ruprecht Kroenen during this scene, there were several made for this scene including at least 2 without a swastika, the one in the included picture from the movie below this I am fairly certain is the exact one I own
#2 Von Ryan's Express Officer's Jacket
I bought this from a guy at a reenactment at Camp Roberts in April 2014, the guy selling it said he once worked for SM Wholesale and at one point when he worked there they bought an old warehouse and when he entered there where boxes of german uniforms in boxes marked "Von Ryan's Express" some were in rough shape so he liberated the ones in better condition including this one I ended up buying for $20 and its construction quality is almost dead identical to original uniforms included many small things repros tend to not get right, now since it was a stripped tunic with no name its all guessing as to where it is in the movie, however I think I found it in the movie, half the officer uniforms in the movie have gold buttons ruling those out, some are SS those are rules out, some are poor quality with no pocket pleats and those are ruled out same with any uniforms that look more blue than grey, I can see where the collar tabs were fairly well so I took to watching the movie and judging which one it is based on where stuff looked like it once was, to me it appears to be the uniform worn by Major Von Klemment (Wolfgang Preiss) when he took control of the train and ended up in the train closet behind a poor repro for the rest of the movie, it could possibly have been also been worn by the priest pretending to be the major but if it was the collar tabs don't match up and I missed it, judge for yourselves I am including a promo image from the film and some from the film I believe might be this uniform