Hello Everyone,
I just found this web site while trying to get information on my recently acquired collection. I am still looking for translators because the documents were written in different languages. One thing I know is that the recipient of these documents and awards, Nicolaus Vegh, was a high ranking diplomat with military background and the collection seems to cover his carrier.
One of his awards, Verdienstkreuz des Ordens vom Deutschen Adler mit dem Stern (signed by Hitler, Ribbentrop and Meissner), is related to the subjects of this web site, so please take a look at the photos of my collection.
(I don't show all the pages only the most interesting awards.)
Please help me out with identifying the signatures on the other awards. They all seem to be authentic. (I know, one signature is from Mussolini.)
Also, please let me know where would I be able to find out the value of my collection.
I do appreciate your input.
Original birth certificate of Nicolaus Vegh a.k.a. Vegh Miklos (in Hungarian):
Picture of his father, Arthur Vegh:
One of his first promotions (1915):
Loose documents of promotions from different European capitols (Budapest, Vienna, Rome, Paris, Bucharest, Prague, Madrid):
French award:
Italian award (signed by Mussolini):
Spanish award (Order of Carlos III) with official notice in Hungarian:
Serbian award (by King Peter II):
/it's a single page but I had to take two separate photographs/
German award (by Hitler, Ribbentrop and Meissner):
Booklet for the German award ceremony (...???):
I just found this web site while trying to get information on my recently acquired collection. I am still looking for translators because the documents were written in different languages. One thing I know is that the recipient of these documents and awards, Nicolaus Vegh, was a high ranking diplomat with military background and the collection seems to cover his carrier.
One of his awards, Verdienstkreuz des Ordens vom Deutschen Adler mit dem Stern (signed by Hitler, Ribbentrop and Meissner), is related to the subjects of this web site, so please take a look at the photos of my collection.
(I don't show all the pages only the most interesting awards.)
Please help me out with identifying the signatures on the other awards. They all seem to be authentic. (I know, one signature is from Mussolini.)
Also, please let me know where would I be able to find out the value of my collection.
I do appreciate your input.
Original birth certificate of Nicolaus Vegh a.k.a. Vegh Miklos (in Hungarian):
Picture of his father, Arthur Vegh:
One of his first promotions (1915):
Loose documents of promotions from different European capitols (Budapest, Vienna, Rome, Paris, Bucharest, Prague, Madrid):
French award:
Italian award (signed by Mussolini):
Spanish award (Order of Carlos III) with official notice in Hungarian:
Serbian award (by King Peter II):
/it's a single page but I had to take two separate photographs/
German award (by Hitler, Ribbentrop and Meissner):
Booklet for the German award ceremony (...???):