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Letters from the hands of Hitler's Youth

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    Letters from the hands of Hitler's Youth

    One of my favorite pieces of Militaria is a binder of letters written from Hitler Youth members turned soldiers to the principal of the Adolf Hitler school in Sonthofen. I have been sending the letters to a Mary Ann, a German woman in Virginia for translation (per soldier as time permits, I’ve had it a long time but I enjoy the chapters per soldier). Incidentally, this woman was also in the Hitler youth and always sends back very interesting personal letters of her years in that organization as her memory is jogged by these writings. She’s become a friend, even knitting a little ball from my son (she calls them “Nazi balls” because she learned the craft as a HY).

    As a bit of background for those who, like me, knew very little about the Adolf Hitler Schools, I should add that they were set up by Dr. Robert Ley to develop young leaders for the NSDAP. As the Reichorganisationsleiter (Reich Organization Leader) and head of the German Workers Front (DAF) he was responsible (among other things) for much of the internal party education. With the help of Baldur von Schirach (responsible for youth programs throughout the Reich), he set up a new type of boarding school to develop a rising generation of political and civil leaders.

    The Adolf Hitler schools project was in taken up at the same time as an initiative to train older leaders (25-30) for the party in four years cycles. The Junkers were supposed to spend one year cycles at Four Order Castles (Ordensburg), planed to house and instruct the most gifted German youth (mentally and physically). Only three were constructed before the outbreak of war - Croessinsee, Vogelsang and Sonthofen, the one in Marienburg was never started. Construction for the three castles started in 1934 and was finished in record time by 1936, at which time the first students began their courses.

    The Ordensburg in Sonthofen served as a Hitler Youth school and thus was the one that Oberbannführer Joseph Madert directed. Sonthofen is a southern German town situated between the rivers Ostrach and the Iller (today it is a city that tallies over 21,000 habitants). This school had 600 students in 1938, and 1500 in 1942. The Castle was constructed of stone and virgin timber, with all of the flare that the times demanded. At the end of the war, it was occupied and used by U.S. Forces until it was returned to the West German army in 1957. It still stands and can be visited today.

    Adolf Hitler schools in all areas were totally free of charge, with even uniforms and spending money provided. The point of these details was to foster an even playing field, where pupils would be equal to one another and all outside social class distinctions would put aside. This of course created a rather large enrollment, and only the best fitted candidates were accepted.

    The schedule of these young men were regulated from morning to night, six days a week, and to challenging curriculum of normal courses (Mathematics, History, Science) topics such as racial politics, political history, and of course sports activities (including paramilitary activities) were added. The future National Socialists leaders were to graduate around 18 years old and then pursue Army or University.

    As I get more research on the topic I may write an article for the site, but even the brief primer above is important for understanding the letters. These young men grew up under the veil of National Socialism and liberally drank from the fountain of its propaganda. The intoxicating effect it had on them shines through in the letters from the fists of boy soldiers; their tragic life was dominated by the party from beginning to end.

    Over the next few weeks I will share some excerpts from the letters here. I hope you enjoy them.

    First some ilustrations - Location of the city.
    Attached Files
    Sebastián J. Bianchi


    Constrution of the castle at Sonthofen, which was finished in record time and employed over 650 workers.
    Attached Files
    Sebastián J. Bianchi



      Inside the castle
      Attached Files
      Sebastián J. Bianchi



        A meeting in the courtyard.
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        Sebastián J. Bianchi



          Modern picture, it stood the test of time.
          Sebastián J. Bianchi



            The press picture below shows Dr. Robert Ley (second from the right) with other noted figures.
            Attached Files
            Sebastián J. Bianchi



              The first set of letters belong to young Hermann Rhein from Haraldshofen in Lorraine (today the French village of Haraucourt sur Seille, department of Moselle).
              Attached Files
              Sebastián J. Bianchi



                What, you can't read it? (well, some of you could, but not that small).

                The letters trace out his military career, from home to the Russian front... but I will let him tell the story.

                The first is a three page letter, and here it is;

                "April 25, 1942

                Dear Oberbannführer,

                I am sending you congratulations for your birthday with all my heart! May you live a long life surrounded by your family, and as school principal of the School Landstuhl may you get the students to the point where it is their place as a student of the Adolf Hitler School. For this reason I am wishing you health and lots of success in the distant future in your difficult task.

                Dear Oberbannführer! For me, the days of waiting are also finally over. My wish to already join the Waffen-SS on April 15th unfortunately did not get fulfilled. It took longer than I had expected. To my great joy, a few days ago I received the recruiting summons. I must present myself on May 1st at the troop exercise barracks of Wildflecken near Fulda. I have been ordered to the First SS Geb.-Jäger Ers.Btl. (First SS Mountain Troop Reserve Battalion). I am already going to leave the day after tomorrow. The train connections are very bad, and for that reason I am going to allot three days. The sooner I arrive, the better. Under these circumstances, during the summer – I hope in early August - I will already be fighting alongside my comrades in order to attain victory for our country. This time I am looking forward to leave home because it means that I am going to be fighting for it. I could not stand it and also could not justify it to myself if I would just sit at home while at the front, our soldiers are fighting and dying. How uplifting is the feeling when you are already able to engage yourself in a task which is unique in size and importance in the history of the world and which for our people will at some time bring renewed feelings of joy. – Just a little while ago I heard the speech of our Führer. How much he has accomplished, and no we are forgetting this in small details which may seem minor, but which damages the whole. The Führer will always be for me the idol that I want to equal in my actions.

                Dear Oberbannführer! You would make me the happiest if from time to time you could write to me about the school. How much I have become fond of it is something which only now I can really experience at a time when I will be somewhere else. I wanted to prepare a birthday present for you, however, I could not finish it. I am working on the subject: Five years as a Adolf Hitler-Student, wherein I want to tell you in an open way about my experiences and opinions. I hope I will be able to finish this task during my free hours in the military. The next mail which will be reaching you will be from the soldier Hermann Rhein. Best greetings to you and your wife, the two little ones, all teachers and students from Hermann Rhein.

                Heil Hitler!

                P.S. Best birthday wishes Family Rhein"
                Sebastián J. Bianchi



                  We'll start out with two -

                  "Transcript of letter dated June 15, 1942

                  Lieber Jupp!

                  Du gestattest wohl, daß ich diese Anrede gebrauche. Vor allem bitte ich Dich um Entschuldigung, weil seid meinem letzten Breif an Dich inzwischen acht Wochen vergangen sind, ohne daß ich Dir schrieb. Heinz Stocker [last name-?] teilte mir mit, die Schule sei wahrscheinlich nach Vogelfang gekommen; durch einen Brief von Frl. Resi erhielt ich die Bestätigung. Ich möchte eine Ruhepause dazu ausnützen, um Dir einige Worte zu schreiben.

                  Act Wochen bin ich nun schon Soldat der Waffen-Ss und habe das militärische Leben gründlich kennengelernt. Unsere Ausbildung auf einem Truppenübunbsplatz war rasend, um in Kürze eine kriegsbereit Einheit zu schaffen. Mir selbst fiel es nicht mehr schwer, da ich durch meine fünfjährige Schulzeit die nötigen Grundlagen mitbrachte. Wie oft haben wir doch in Sonthofen über Exerzieren, ..laufen, Geländeausbildung und dergleichen gemeckert. Wie unsinning das war, habe ich nun gemerkt. Ich kann meinen Kameraden der Schule nicht genug an’s Herz legen, gerade diese Grundsteine des soldatischen Ausbildens zu pflegen. Sie werden dann, wenn sie selbst Soldaten sind, sehen, wie gut es war, daß anstatt einer Viertelstunde …..zwei Stunden auf dm Hof gejagt wurden. Es ist bestimmt nicht zuviel, jede Woche einige Stunden zu exerzieren. Jetzt erst sehe ich ein, wie wichtig diese Anordnungen in dieser Hinsicht in Sonthofen aren. Wir können hier nur harte und widerstandsfähige Menschen gebrauchen und schwache Kerle versagen hier und besonders später vor dem Feind. Wo ich augenblicklich stehe, kann ich Dir nicht mitteilen. Das Juniwetter ähnelt dem scheußlichen, naßkalten Oktoberwetter Sonthofens, ich bin das nicht gewöhnt in dieser Jahreszeit mit dickem Pullover zu laufen. Auch einige……des 5.Jahrganges dachten an mich. Ich freute mich sehr über ihre Zeilen. Wolfe, Kaiser, Schu..? und ….?….schrieben im …..Garnisonsdienst. Bis sie dort sind, wo ich bin, vergehen noch Wochen. Ich bin stolz, auch mittun zu können. Nun könen wir alles, von dem wir sprachen, in die Tat umsetzen und unsere größte und schönste Plficht erfüllen.

                  Ich grüße Dich, Deine Frau, die beiden Kleinen und die gesamte Schule. Heil Hitler!
                  Hermann Rhein
                  Translation of letter dated June 15, 1942

                  O.V., June 15, 1942

                  Dear Jupp,

                  I hope you allow me to address you this way [by first name, instead of the more formal rank and last name]. Above all, I ask your understanding because since my last letter to you eight weeks have passed without me having written to you. Heinz Stocker [last name-?-] told me that most probably the school was transferred to Vogelfang, with a letter from Miss Resi I received the confirmation of it. I want to use a rest period now to send you a few words.

                  For eight weeks I have now already been a soldier of the Waffen-SS and have thoroughly learned about life in the military. Our training at a troop exercise base was speedy in order to create a unit ready for war in a short time. For myself it was not hard because I have brought along the necessary basics gained during my five years of schooling. How often did we in Sonthofen complain about the marching, the running, the chases and similar training. Now I have found out how senseless that was. I cannot urge my comrades at the school to particularly embrace these fundamentals of military training. Once they have become soldiers they will see how good it was that instead of a quarter of an hour, two hours were spent being chased around the courtyard. It is certainly not too much to spend several hours a week in training. It is only now that I understand how important these orders in Sonthofen were. Here we can only use hard men who have great resistance while weak guys fail here and particularly at a later time when they confront the enemy. I cannot tell you where I am located right now. The weather in June here resembles the lousy wet and cold October weather in Sonthofen; I am not used to run around in a thick sweater during this time of year. Also some of the 5th course thought about me. I was very pleased about their letters. Wolfe, Kaiser, Schu..?.. and..?…wrote to me from their barracks. Weeks will pass before they are where I am now. I am proud to be part of it. All that we have talked about can now be transferred into action and fulfill our highest and noblest duty.

                  Greetings to you, your wife, the two little ones and the whole school. Heil Hitler!

                  Hermann Rhein
                  44591D "
                  Attached Files
                  Sebastián J. Bianchi



                    Alright, one more, but no scan tonight-

                    "From the High North
                    August 25, 1942

                    Dear Jupp,

                    How much I enjoyed it to receive your bulletin yesterday! For weeks I had been looking forward to receive such a letter and yesterday evening it arrived. We were just sitting around our small campfire and were warming up because the evenings and mornings are cold. Under the red light of the flames I read your letter and enjoyed all the news which you sent to me. Yes, since a few weeks Little Hermann has become part of the scene. High up at the Polar Circle we are now sitting in the jungle living like people of remote antiquity, far away from civilization, comrades among comrades, who share joy and pain, good and bad hours. Things went fast for me. The training period was short. After a successful sea passage, we arrived up here in this inhospitable country by train. In theory, I knew about these areas quite a lot, because geography and geology have always been my hobby. In particular, I studied about the polar areas. I had enough of a selection of good books in our libraries. However, reality has completely nullified the theoretic images. This jungle surpassed my expectations even when it was described to me by old soldiers. The forest is not as dense as a jungle is assumed to be in general. But the ground! ..?.. as high as half to one meter, thickets of cranberry bushes, then again swampy and wet areas. You walk on something resembling a thick carpet which constantly swings. Our division is at war in this area. The fighting is hard and difficult. The Russian is a master in camouflage and knows this jungle war which we first have to get used to. It is possible that you run right up to the enemy and in a way that the enemy is lying only a few meters away from you so that you don’t see him. That is the principle of the Russian: he lets our troops come up to a very short distance and then shoots the men. I am the messenger of the company group. I am sure you understand that one has to be particularly alert and trained as a messenger in the forest. From time to time we get to see newspapers. In the south of our enormous front there is great progress. I would rather be there than here. But also up here I am going to do what is expected because here also the war needs complete beings. And I am proud that I am now able to go to war for all that I have as a goal and for my highest ideals. The weak will have short legs here in the rough real world where only an either-or remains.

                    As you wrote, ..?..Otto and..?…have died in combat. What a pity for these splendid comrades. From my class, only…?…is still writing to me. Slowly I am giving up to write to everybody because I would be delighted to get at least a card, but there is no reply. Could you please give me the addresses of all of them because it is possible that I did not address my mail correctly. When I have more time, I will write you a more detailed letter.

                    With greetings to your family and the whole school “Landstuhl”!

                    Hail and Victory!

                    Yours sincerely,

                    Hermann "
                    Sebastián J. Bianchi



                      Here is Hermann, as a very young man.
                      Attached Files
                      Sebastián J. Bianchi



                        Thanks for posting these. I really enjoyed reading this post. It gives you the human aspect, totally differant from the genralised veiw I have of the german soldier. Mike


                          I assume by the last letter he was stationed in Finland, very interesting.


                            Yes, thanks to Francois I know that the field post number belongs to,

                            Stabs, Stabs-u9.-12 Kp.Geb.Jäg.Btl.III SS-Geb-Div.Nord.
                            Sebastián J. Bianchi




                              Thank you for posting this information. Do your sources mention who the lead architect was for this commission, or perhaps any other information you deem relavant to it construction ?

                              Camp Upshur


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