How do we pinko liberiltos live?
Okay, its is a bit rustical compared to some of the bunkers shown, but at the time I did it I had a lot of German uniforms and documents on display so I did not want any light in the room.
welcome to my crib, some may remember about 4 years ago before I renovated, old wallpaper, old carpet and about 30 tailors dummys with jackets on. A couple of friends here in the area still cant forgive me for getting rid of all that and concentrating on British/South African medals, but hey... thats life.
Anyway, the entrance . The yellow sign has "entry forbidden...danger of death" was one of the warning signs on our company weapons store in the legion. They were taken down once the weapons were moved to a central Regt weapon room.
Okay, its is a bit rustical compared to some of the bunkers shown, but at the time I did it I had a lot of German uniforms and documents on display so I did not want any light in the room.
welcome to my crib, some may remember about 4 years ago before I renovated, old wallpaper, old carpet and about 30 tailors dummys with jackets on. A couple of friends here in the area still cant forgive me for getting rid of all that and concentrating on British/South African medals, but hey... thats life.
Anyway, the entrance . The yellow sign has "entry forbidden...danger of death" was one of the warning signs on our company weapons store in the legion. They were taken down once the weapons were moved to a central Regt weapon room.