I have finally gotten all my daggers together and thought I would share with you. Here are 32, plus I have two more that are in my displays of Heer and Luftwaffe medals.
Starting with Police and going clockwise:
Police - ACS
Luft I - Emil Voos
Navy - Unmarked and unetched
Red Cross Off - Unmarked
Red Cross Enl - Unmarked
Luft II - WKC, Klaas, SMF, Unmarked (WKC), Alosco, Horster, Alosco,
Army - Holler, Unmarked, A.W. Jr, Horster, Unmarked (glass grip), WKC, Henckels
SA- E.P.&S, Tiger, E.P.&S, Ohliger (under discussion), Weyersburg
NSKK - Wagner
Gravity - Weyersburg (one with rostfrei and one without)
SS- RZM 1317/40, RZM 1052/38, RZM 807/36
Boot - Puma, Unmarked
Starting with Police and going clockwise:
Police - ACS
Luft I - Emil Voos
Navy - Unmarked and unetched
Red Cross Off - Unmarked
Red Cross Enl - Unmarked
Luft II - WKC, Klaas, SMF, Unmarked (WKC), Alosco, Horster, Alosco,
Army - Holler, Unmarked, A.W. Jr, Horster, Unmarked (glass grip), WKC, Henckels
SA- E.P.&S, Tiger, E.P.&S, Ohliger (under discussion), Weyersburg
NSKK - Wagner
Gravity - Weyersburg (one with rostfrei and one without)
SS- RZM 1317/40, RZM 1052/38, RZM 807/36
Boot - Puma, Unmarked