Here's a phone operator's badge but its supposed to look like the one in the previous picture, this one is in unauthorized nachrichten farbe! Rare and would like nice on a cinnamon piped tunic!! (Posted sideways looks like...)
That is the most amazing collection I have ever seen!! I could look through these posts for hours!!!
Thanks for the thumbs up Paul, but please don't look at these for hours uninterrupted, as that will cause some serious neck cramping...
Fortunately I have now figured out how to shrink pictures!!!
so I don't need to post 'em sideways anymore! Nick
Here'a another "reenactment" Again with an authentic ME 262 jet. I am on the left wearing an original officer's pattern fliegerbluse + channel pants etc... Nick
A tree came crashing down in a forest of a known V1 rocket launch pad site in Holland (near Leiden).
This is what it revealed! Guess who was in charge of security? Note date: 24 / 6 / 1944