Hello Tommy,
hope my "litle Security" will take over the collection.
My interest in german ww-II helmets is since I was a boy.
My collection started about 22 jears ago.
WW-II german helmets are my special interest of collecting.
I was in Oostende this jear and had a look at a few military stores
I walked by.
I have see'n a Mod 42 helmet (paint, liner, WH.decal) ok.
On the other side it had white handpainted runes about 40% visible.
I was told from the seller, that the flämish volunter put the runes on the helmet after beeing transfered from Wehrmacht to
the Waffen-SS.
I don't know about that helmet, maybe ask some of the SS-headgear experts in the headgear section or SS-section what the opinion is on painted runes
concerning those shops in Oostende, I sended you a pm