I really like the variation with the "period" at the end. Rather crude (or thick) in terms of letter formation, but 100 percent original and not common.
These varied considerably on letter formation, and were of course being produced during the transition from a police outfit to one of the earlier SS divisions. As the first division formed during the war with no pre-war cufftitles to pattern later ones from, I believe that the 4th Division may have seen more "cottage industry" help than other divisions.
Anyway, I think the discussion examples, while different, are both good originals.
Bob Hritz I hope this is not a big problem for you, but I really need your opinion on my cufftitle. Most of the forum members think it is good, and I am not sure if it was called a copy accidentally or what happened, but I would really appreciate your expert opinion. Thank you so much.
Your cuff title is also a reproduction.
I am sorry.
First thing to expose a fake is usually if the black base material is fake. This one is no way near original pattern and hence a fake. Thats the step No 1 for recognition for original Rzm cuffs that I use. You may also go further and compare with original examples like nutmegs Alexanders first, and it should be very clear.
P.s. Nutmegs cuff is what an original looks like and also TP alexanders. (I know that I made a mistake once on the very rare pattern Polizei cuff, even though the base material was correct, because I have never seen that pattern in real - Now, THAT is not the case here!)
Hi Felix I don't want your opinion on this I know you make mistake But I need only one opinion on this cufftitle from Bob Hritz
Thank you for your time Felix
Your scans and photo are not much help. I cannot see the trheads close enough. The pattern of embroidery is correct and I would lean toward authentic, but would like to see the rayon threads that form the letters.
Bob Hritz
In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.
Duct tape can't fix stupid, but it can muffle the sound.
Hi Felix I don't want your opinion on this I know you make mistake But I need only one opinion on this cufftitle from Bob Hritz
Thank you for your time Felix
No problems John!
I am sorry for trying to help you. I apologize for that.
Please be happy with your cuff title.
I will certainly stay away from commenting on items you present in the future.