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Binoculars in Case marked C.Zeiss Jena 4

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    Binoculars in Case marked C.Zeiss Jena 4

    l have been informed by several E.Bay members that they probably are genuine and have been cosmetically restored.


    The usual suspects?

    I have seen these.
    Looked too good to be true!
    Is "flat black" spray paint available in the 1900-'s
    Should they not be gloss?
    Leatherette looks like the stick on plastic stuff?


      Probably from a workshop in Billericay.....


        I do not get it
        They are genuine and have been restored
        So what has the seller done wrong?


          Totally wrong again Molehunter, and still hiding. I had nothing to do with these so get your facts straight.


            So what has the seller done wrong?

            Nothing - but as for the "restorer" - he clouds the issue.Funny how you always spring to Rod's defence. Nothing to do with the supply of benutzers and eyecups?

            get your facts straight.

            My apologies Rod - but you are fairly prolific. Maybe if you got your facts straight, I wouldn't balk so much at your "restorations". Are "the self appointed forum critics hiding behind aliases such as ‘Molehunter’, who complain about restorations" to be mentioned in your latest ebay offerings?

            Do you now wish to petition the forum moderators to remove "aliases"? If your business model is a smaller scale version of Daniels Antiques (ie polish and deface classic optics for money), what do you expect on a forum dedicated to the study, care and evaluation of historic binoculars? Surely not our thanks?


              How is asking what the seller had done wrong jumping to rods defence?


                And how did the seller
                Who I do not know
                Cloud the issue?


                  Any mention of Billericay or Rod's selfless efforts brings you running Nick. You even both log on together.

                  Nothing to do with the supply of benutzers and eyecups?


                    I commented on the binocular auction you knocked nothing more
                    You brought rod into this
                    Go back and look at your post where you have a go a rod I very rarely comment
                    As for me login on at the same time as rod I must log into waf 20 times a day starting when I get up at 4.30 so I probably log in at the same time as many members including you
                    I have sold 7000 + sets of cups and many hundreds of benutzer cap
                    99.99 % not to rod


                      And how did the seller
                      Who I do not know
                      Cloud the issue?
                      Read it Nick;

                      the "restorer" - he clouds the issue

                      look at your post where you have a go a rod I very rarely comment

                      This thread;

                      They are genuine and have been restored
                      So what has the seller done wrong?

                      re-painted versus original


                      I can see nothing wrong in restoring or saving a basket case which I believe the Beh that started this thread was

                      Own a binocular from Seeger's book!!


                      I have seen examples of the eagle on the WW1 df that started this thread and I believe they are genuine

                      It clearly states that the plates were refinished

                      Kriegsmarine binoculars with unusual marking


                      So are you saying it's wrong to run adverts for collectables???


                        3 times!!!!
                        I give up there is a global conspiracy to destroy historic binoculars headed by rod


                          Molehunter. Thank you for your apology but it is rather a hollow gesture being followed by your attempts to justify your comments. I repeat that I had absolutely nothing to do with the ebay item in question and I find it offensive that you once again take the opportunity to divert the thread to another personal attack on me. I am at a loss to understand why you wish to make unprovoked disparaging remarks about me at every opportunity and then also start on somebody else who dares to voice his own opinion. Nick made his initial comment before you incorrectly brought my name and location into it. Your suggestion that there is a connivance with Nick and myself is absurd, and your suggestion that Nick’s opinion is in some way a business favour is farcical as well as offensive. Your paranoia about us both being on the website at the same is rather sad. Your comments go to prove that you have no respect or appreciation for other people’s opinions and collecting preferences. Despite me reacting somewhat strongly and understandably at times to your personal attacks, I have always maintained that I respect all opinions, even yours, if voiced in a sensible and courteous manner whilst also respecting opposing opinions. But your attacks are personal and unnecessarily injected into threads which leads to distortion of the truth.
                          By you hiding behind an alias, your attacks are tantamount to bullying. If you would care to come out from behind your alias, I would gladly discuss our respective opinions and share with you those of others that have supported me privately who do not wish to become embroiled in our joint dis-respective banter online. I would also share with you details to counter comments such as the ‘profits’ I make. For example, the recent Goerz twin wheel binoculars you made such a fuss about were originally readily available for you or anybody else to purchase off ebay in a very poor condition. My winning bid plus post was £19.99. After my ‘work’ on them, they sold for £32 leaving a profit after fees of £7.53. Suggestions that I am in this purely for profit are misguided.
                          Regarding your suggestion that I might like to petition the forum moderators about the use of alias, may I suggest that you read the forum rules which state, ‘The use of aliases is strongly discouraged. If you have a compelling reason to hide your complete name, we ask for the courtesy of your first name……..‘
                          It might also be prudent to remind you of two other statements in the rules ‘…. without promoting any direct or indirect disrespect or harm to the organization, its members or moderators.’ And finally, ‘The golden rule - Treat others as you would like to be treated.’
                          You obviously don’t like what you perceive I do, and perhaps me as an individual, and I respect that opinion, but the manner with which you express your opinion to the exclusion of others, is against the good intention of the forum and does nothing to enhance the general user experience.
                          So if you wish to have a sensible and open discussion on this matter without dragging the website down to these levels, come out from behind your alias and let us discuss this properly and let us stop this senseless banter.


                            I agree with the bulk of your comments Rod and, if you can desist from comments such as those beneath, I'm happy to keep it about binoculars and their care (or otherwise). After all, as you state, Treat others as you would like to be treated;

                            Own a binocular from Seeger's book!!


                            somewhat rude and inaccurate personal comments

                            rather immature banter.

                            If you don’t remember what you write then please don’t expect me to remind you.

                            your vendetta seems at odds with the rules of the forum.

                            obnoxious man who revels in wasteful arguments …….. out to spread half truths at best and venom at worst’. ‘…. accusing you of engraving eagles!!!! …. what these idiots don't understand ...’.

                            Molehunter’s statement which I considered to be incorrect and misleading

                            this sarcastic comment was unnecessary.

                            You seem to just want an argument or the last word

                            painted versus original


                            petty pedantic criticism

                            immature critics

                            ill-informed and sarcastic comments

                            Whilst I'm happy to be referenced in your Ebay listings,it might fall outwith the spirit of Treat others as you would like to be treated;

                            Although a couple of military forum contributors make bigoted comments about some ebay sellers whilst hiding behind aliases such as ‘Molehunter’,


                              The leatherette does not really look authentic to me.


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