I got these Zeiss KM Binos, model Binoctar, 7x50. Lens cover is here, but no container. The Binos look good so far to me, but bear some things I have not seen before:
the Kriegsmarine Eagle M is in quite some angle...I only know a bigger version, sitting upright. Is this correct on earlier versions? Definately doesn´t look like a fake, but haven´t seen this before. There is still some glue on the swastika from a sticker covering it, haven´t cleaned anything yet.
On the right side there is an engraving in same angle....278 Art, which would indicate a glass from the artillery to me. Why is this on a KM piece, and what exactly does it mean? Art is Artillery, 278 is what?
Is it possible to locate the year of this glass? SN is 1944032.
It is unopened, no damage to screws. But still, there is no "Strichplatte" inside. is this correct?
As you see, many questions to a glass. I think it could be quite nice, but many unknown factors at present. And please excuse the bad pictures, it is late and dark, and camera not of finest quality ;-)
Thanks for any help!
the Kriegsmarine Eagle M is in quite some angle...I only know a bigger version, sitting upright. Is this correct on earlier versions? Definately doesn´t look like a fake, but haven´t seen this before. There is still some glue on the swastika from a sticker covering it, haven´t cleaned anything yet.
On the right side there is an engraving in same angle....278 Art, which would indicate a glass from the artillery to me. Why is this on a KM piece, and what exactly does it mean? Art is Artillery, 278 is what?
Is it possible to locate the year of this glass? SN is 1944032.
It is unopened, no damage to screws. But still, there is no "Strichplatte" inside. is this correct?
As you see, many questions to a glass. I think it could be quite nice, but many unknown factors at present. And please excuse the bad pictures, it is late and dark, and camera not of finest quality ;-)
Thanks for any help!