At first I thought this was a political organization pin (maybe French) featuring a rooster. A sharper-eyed Forum member realized it was a sylized eagle with oak leaves in its beak.
I just identified this pin as a Luft unit traditions pin for the 1st Kampfgeschwader "Hindenburg". Huesken has a similar one in better shape on sale for about 140 Euros. But does anyone have a photo of a KG1 aircraft, or anything else, with a similar symbol? The internet research I've done on KG1 indicates different symbols. Thanks for any info!!!
I just identified this pin as a Luft unit traditions pin for the 1st Kampfgeschwader "Hindenburg". Huesken has a similar one in better shape on sale for about 140 Euros. But does anyone have a photo of a KG1 aircraft, or anything else, with a similar symbol? The internet research I've done on KG1 indicates different symbols. Thanks for any info!!!