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8cm Raketen (rocket)

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    8cm Raketen (rocket)

    Does anyone have an example of an 8cm raketen in their collection that they can post pictures of? Or good period pictures of the rocket? Here are two pictures of the launcher I found on the web.
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      Thanks klarkon.

      Does anyone have an example in their collection, or other period photos of them in use?


        I was hoping someone had one of these in their collection to share as I would like to compare it to mine. These were fired from the ground based launching vehicle as show in the pictures above, but they were also modified to be fired from airplanes for air to ground offensives. The air-to-ground version was called a Panzerblitz 8cm and used the warhead from a Panzerschreck.

        There were a few other versions of the Panzerblitz as well, but smaller diameters than the 8cm. I'll leave those for a separate thread.

        Here is my ground launched version:
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            Here are a couple images I found on the web of the air-launched Panzerblitz 8cm:
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              Panzerblitz 8cm
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                  Thanks klarkon.

                  So was the 8cm air-rocket version actually called the Panzerjagdrakete and not the Panzerblitz?

                  Perhaps only the air-to-ground-rocket version of the R4/M rocket was actually the Panzerblitz?

                  The only reference I have is what I find on the web, and it seems to be all mixed up.


                    Panzerblitz 1 is similar, has a different inner warhead design and some dimensions.


                      Thanks for the clarification klarkon. So now we also have the term Bordrakete. Am I correct to assume this is the name for the category of rockets that were mounted to aircraft? In other words, Bordrakete would include the Panzerblitz I, II, and II, as well as the R4/M rocket?


                        Hey John, your first pic is of Gen. der Panzertruppen Adolf Kuntzen at Lion-sur-Mer(Sword Beach) on May 30, 1944. This pic is the house behind the rocket launcher in your first photo taken in June 2014.
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                            Originally posted by Frank Pacheco View Post
                            Hey John, your first pic is of Gen. der Panzertruppen Adolf Kuntzen at Lion-sur-Mer(Sword Beach) on May 30, 1944. This pic is the house behind the rocket launcher in your first photo taken in June 2014.
                            Good eye Frank. I did not even realize that was the same location we visited in 2014 until you said so. Thanks for catching that. I wonder if those rockets were used a week later when the British forces landed there on D-Day.


                              Thanks klarkon, that clears up the confusion about the different rockets including the three types of Panzerblitz.


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