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Italian Tunic question

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    Italian Tunic question


    I was wondering if anyone can help me with when this tunic would have been worn? Or is it just gonna be a time frame of between After WW1 to the end of WW2? And what would this have belonged to?

    Thank you.

    Officer's service tunic for a Tenente.

    Post 1940 (and pre September 1943) would be my best guess. The tunic collar; epaulettes and plain buttons suggest wartime construction/usage. The use of the 'Savoy Star' on the mostrine (if original) would indicate pre-September 1943 (although some continued in use in the Army of the South after that date).



      Would this just be for any Tenente? Or can you tell for what job he had?

      Thank you.


        Nice! Is a M40 tunic of a lieutenant of the 3rd Regiment, Savoy cavalry, decorated with Medal of Military Valour in silver, and war campaigns 40-43 (1940-1941-1942)
        The Savoy cavalry fought on the Russian front, making the last cavalry charge in history.

        The movie "Carica Eroica"

        Ciao, Luca


          Thank you for this great information.


            Is the name on the tailor's tag still legible?
            Maybe there's the chance to identify the original owner.
            Since the tunic bears the ribbon of a valour medal, there's the possibility that he charged at Isbuscenskij


              Originally posted by Ironcrown View Post
              Is the name on the tailor's tag still legible?
              Maybe there's the chance to identify the original owner.
              Since the tunic bears the ribbon of a valour medal, there's the possibility that he charged at Isbuscenskij
              Name is hard for me to make out all the way. When I get home, I'll do my best to post what I think it is, and a pic.


                Tried to post a picture from my phone, but it's not posting the pic. I will do it when I get home.
                Last edited by johnz138; 05-31-2013, 06:17 AM. Reason: Pic wont show,


                  Nice M40...very tasty... from Semovente.


                    Here are the pictures of the tag, I cannot really make out the name.


                      Looks something like Alfredo Bonavera?
                      There's an officer with that name that seems he took part to the charge.
                      Nice piece, really! Make me know if you think to sell it
                      Last edited by Ironcrown; 06-01-2013, 08:33 AM.


                        What luck, this jacket is a piece of history!
                        The jacket belonged to Alfredo Bonavera.
                        Motivation of the silver medal of Military Valour:
                        Bonavera Alfredo, born from his father Alfredo, and mother Margherita in Genoa,
                        born in 1916, second lieutenant in the Savoy Cavalry Regiment
                        Platoon commander led his men to the charge animating them with the voice and
                        the example. Decimated the platoon to a precise shot enemy mortars, with readiness
                        command, sorting out the survivors and he joined the squadron and he started a second charge. Quote 213.5 of Isbuschenskij (Russian Front) August 24, 1942.

                        Che fortuna, questa giacca è un pezzo di storia!
                        La giacca è appartenuta ad Alfredo Bonavera.
                        Motivazione della medaglia di argento al Valore Militare:
                        BONAVERA Alfredo,nato da Alfredo, e la madre Margherita a Genova,
                        classe 1916 , sottotenente di complemento nel Reggimento Savoia Cavalleria
                        Comandante di plotone guidava alla carica i suoi uomini animandoli con la voce e
                        l'esempio. Decimato il plotone da un preciso tiro nemico di mortai, con prontezza di
                        comando, riordinava i superstiti si congiungeva allo squadrone e si lanciava ad una seconda carica. Quota 213,5 di Isbuschenskij (Fronte Russo) 24 agosto 1942.

                        Ciao, Luca


                          Thanks for all the great information everyone! I'm thinking the guy I bought this from did not know what he had!


                            Well, you didn't know as well


                              Originally posted by Ironcrown View Post
                              Well, you didn't know as well
                              That is so true! lol. I just liked it, so I bought it. I couldn't have even guessed thats what it was. I just figured it was just a regular soldiers tunic.


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