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Button-hole awards

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    Button-hole awards

    Dear all,

    I am working on a full list of all German awards also worn by their ribbons in a button-hole.
    Is this one o.k., can you help me, what is missing or wrong?

    German awards also worn by their ribbons in a button-hole of the tunic of the military uniform

    Military awards in order of wear (second button-hole):

    - Iron Cross 2nd class 1939 (Eisernes Kreuz 1939 2. Klasse; aka EK II 1939) with the Honour Roll Clasp (Ehrenblattspange respective Ehrentafelspange) of either Heer & Waffen SS (awarded up to 4,556 times) or Luftwaffe (awarded 180 times) or Kriegsmarine (awarded 37 times), instituted 1944

    - Iron Cross 2nd class 1914 (Eisernes Kreuz 1914 2. Klasse; aka EK II 1914) on combatants ribbon (schwarz-weisses Band) with Repetition Clasp 1939 (Wiederholungsspange 1939), 1939 (awarded up to 150,000 times)

    - Iron Cross 2nd class 1914 (EK II 1914) on participants ribbon (weiss-schwarzes Band) with Repetition Clasp 1939 (Wiederholungsspange 1939), 1939 (awarded few times, number is included above)

    - Iron Cross 2nd class 1939 (EK II 1939), 1939 (awarded approx. 3,051,000 times1a))

    - Iron Cross 2nd class 1914 (EK II 1914) on combatants ribbon (schwarz-weisses Band), 1914 (awarded 5,196,000 times)

    - Iron Cross 2nd class 1914 (EK II 1914) on participants ribbon (weiss-schwarzes Band), 1914 (awarded ? times, number is included above)

    - War Merit Cross 2nd class (Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse 1939; aka KVK II) with swords (awarded 6,134,000 times) or without swords (awarded 1,592,000 times) (mit Schwertern/ohne Schwerter), 1939

    - Medal for the Winter Battle in the East 1941-42, aka East Medal (Medaille Winterschlacht im Osten 1941-42, aka Ostmedaille), 1942 (awarded some 2,986,000 times1b))

    - Baltic Cross2) (Baltenkreuz), 1919 (confirmed 1934) (awarded 81,839 times)

    NSDAP award (button-hole of right pocket flap):

    - Decoration of Honour for the 9th of November 1923; aka Blood-Order (Ehrenzeichen des 9. November 1923; Blutorden), 1933/34 (awarded ca. 2,200 times)

    Civil/military awards in order of wear (second button-hole):

    - Decoration for Care of the People 3rd grade with Swords on the ribbon3) (Ehrenzeichen fur deutsche Volkspflege 3. Stufe mit Schwertern am Band), 1942 (awarded very few times)

    - Medal for Care of the People with Swords on the ribbon4) (Medaille fur deutsche Volkspflege mit Schwertern am Band), 1942 (awarded few times)

    - War Merit Medal5) (Kriegsverdienstmedaille; aka KVM), 1940 (awarded solely about 4,156,000 times)

    - Medal for Lifesaving (Rettungsmedaille), 1933 (awarded roughly about some 1,450 times)

    - Decoration for Care of the People 3rd grade6) (Ehrenzeichen fur deutsche Volkspflege 3. Stufe), 1939 (awarded ? times)

    - Medal for Care of the People7) (Medaille fur deutsche Volkspflege), 1939 (awarded ? times)

    - German Protectionwall Decoration; so-called Westwall Medal8) (Deutsches Schutzwall-Ehrenzeichen; Westwall-Ehrenzeichen), 1939 (awarded ca. 623,000 times)

    1a) The EK II 1939 was also presented to axis troops from Rumania, Hungary, Italy, Croatia (369., 373. & 392. Inf.Div.), Slovakia, Bulgaria and Japan as well as axis allied troops from Spain (250. Inf.Div.) and Finland, so you could not find all these ribbons in button-holes of German soldiers.
    1b) The East Medal was also presented to axis troops from Rumania, Hungary, Italy and Croatia (369., 373. & 392. Inf.Div.) as well as axis allied troops from Spain (250. Inf.Div.) and Finland, so you could not find all these ribbons in button-holes of German soldiers.
    2) The Baltic National Committee (Baltischer Nationalausschuss) of German people living in the Balticum instituted this commemorative campaign award (a pin decoration) for all German soldiers (Baltikumarmee), who had been fighting as volunteer without a reprimand against the Red Army during 3 months in March - October 1919.
    3) This is a social welfare and red cross decoration. Chiefly awarded to medical officers and volunteer doctors at the eastern front.
    4) Mainly presented to medical orderlies and volunteer nurses at the eastern front.
    5) The KVM was automatically available to all KVK recipients by regulation since July 1944. But the soldiers, who accepted the KVM, lost their right to get the planned „World War II Commemorative Medal“, so almost non did take it.
    6) Chiefly awarded to captains (Hauptmann/Rittmeister/Kapitanleutnant/SS-Hauptsturmfuhrer) and higher ranks.
    7) Mainly presented to prime-lieutenants (Oberleutnant/Oberleutnant z.S./SS-Obersturmfuhrer) and lower ranks.
    8) The Westwall Medal was presented to those, who had designed, built or guarded the fortifications in June 1938 - March 1939. They were generally men from Organisation Todt (OT), Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD) and engineer/fortification units of the army. Only some of them were soldiers, but many joint the Wehrmacht later on, so you can find this ribbon on tunics.

    Best regards
    Last edited by John Runge; 12-14-2005, 06:49 AM.

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