Posts or new threads which contain photos that are hosted by an outside source will be erased! In special cases, at the discretion of moderators or members, photos from outside hosting might be and can be copied and pasted back into such threads by moderators or any member. The goal is not censorship but preservation of thread integrity.
This policy is instituted in order to preserve the threads for later reading and thus also preserving the integrity of the overall forum, being one of the best sources on the planet for this hobby. It has unfortunately happened over the last years that a very large amount of threads became useless due to the missing photos. This policy will stop that degeneration of the forum.
Outside photo hosting is forbidden. All members (regardless of their membership status) must use the WAF Attachment process to post photos.
Threads using outside photo hosting can now be deleted, or just the photos might be deleted. Warnings and infractions will now be issued.
We sincerely hope this will find the approval of all members, no matter the membership status.
This policy is instituted in order to preserve the threads for later reading and thus also preserving the integrity of the overall forum, being one of the best sources on the planet for this hobby. It has unfortunately happened over the last years that a very large amount of threads became useless due to the missing photos. This policy will stop that degeneration of the forum.
Outside photo hosting is forbidden. All members (regardless of their membership status) must use the WAF Attachment process to post photos.
Threads using outside photo hosting can now be deleted, or just the photos might be deleted. Warnings and infractions will now be issued.
We sincerely hope this will find the approval of all members, no matter the membership status.