Thanks for all your info guys! Thanks for the link on the magazine markings. So "U" is for Union Hardware, "UI" for Inland. Great info there.
Carbines are definately tricky, but I just couldn't pass on this one.
What do you guys think this carbine is worth? (retail value?)
I know this guy has several (couple dozen), carbines left. I like this one so much, that I was considering picking up a second one.
He has many makers such as: Rock-ola, Inland, Irwin Peterson, IBM, Quality Hardware, Winchester, National Postal Meter, Underwood, Saginaw-GM, and Standard Products.
Which makers are the best quality? I've heard that Winchesters' are the best ones, is this true?
Carbines are definately tricky, but I just couldn't pass on this one.
What do you guys think this carbine is worth? (retail value?)
I know this guy has several (couple dozen), carbines left. I like this one so much, that I was considering picking up a second one.
He has many makers such as: Rock-ola, Inland, Irwin Peterson, IBM, Quality Hardware, Winchester, National Postal Meter, Underwood, Saginaw-GM, and Standard Products.
Which makers are the best quality? I've heard that Winchesters' are the best ones, is this true?