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WTB: live MP44 -> need advice / info

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    WTB: live MP44 -> need advice / info

    Dear forum members,

    I am based in Continental Europe and I am allowed to own an MP44 on my shooting permit

    I am in the position now to buy one, so if there is anybody who could give me advice or offer me something on the MP44 (including price), please let me know! But it needs to be a live one NOT a demilitarised

    Please let me know any kind of information, like:

    1) be careful for these versions
    2) pay extra attention to this
    3) expected values are....

    But again if someone has one or knows where I can buy one, I appreciate it!


    We are expecting some fully functional Sturmgewehrs in Malta via a local dealer, who quoted the price at €7000+ each.


      Hard to say anything solid for a price, as both supply and demand are rather limited. But I would expect an original condition MP44/StG44 to sell for 2-3k € here in Finland.

      Mkb42(h) would be super nice. Also early MP43/1 with scope rails would be much more desirable than run of the mill MP44/Stg44.

      I think these guns rarely brake any parts which couldn't be easily swapped for a replacement. Some have really worn barrels due to heavy use and lower quality steel of late war dates, but if that bothers you, a new one can be made by a smith from spare MG 34/42 barrel.

      The barrel on my StG44 is really worn out, but I won't replace it as a prefer my guns as original as possible and I rarely shoot any competition with it.


        BTW, the first thing you should do (if you haven't already, that is) is to invest few €s or $s to a set of good reference books. Perhaps the two best for MP/StG series are:

        Sturmgewehr! by Hans-Dieter Handrich and
        The German Assault Rifle by Peter R. Senich

        Loads of good information in both and book format is often the only way how you can try to asses the originality and correct model of the weapon when you have to make a fast call.


          Originally posted by Henri S View Post
          We are expecting some fully functional Sturmgewehrs in Malta via a local dealer, who quoted the price at €7000+ each.
          Correction re price. Spoke to the dealer. He is getting MP43, 44 and 45s. It's depending on condition and the maximum price is €6000.


            A German dealer sells 2 MP44 in fully working condition:


            But I don´t know if it is allowed to sell them outside Germany, so you have to ask the dealer.

            Best regards,


              Good search and find

              Those asking prices are close to a double compared to what I would expect to pay for a MP44 or MP40 up here, but then again, I don't see any of them at sale with our local dealers at the moment...

              I would look very seriously at that MKb42(H) though...


                If it was me, I would look for a pre 45 gun as I think they were better made.


                  wow guys! already such a nice reactions !!!!

                  Keep them coming as any advice or what so ever is appreciated!


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