Marc, looks like an original ground Rohm. From your photos it's a little difficult to judge the exact condition. Boker is one of the more desireable makers of SS daggers. My guess would be somewhere in the vicinity of $1600. Maybe somewhat more if the knicks in the blade aren't as bad as they appear in the photo. Still, a very nice find.
Was the inscription gound or was it acid etched when it was removed?
GREAT looking dagger! That Boker mark was the only one used on Rohm's. The fits are there. Nice dagger, from the pics but nothing beats a hands on. If it's ok which it looks to be, $1600-$2000.
Thank you all for the informations. I,m not colecting these items, just sometimes they come together with other stuff. Will probably keep this one on the wall. (Unless somone has (SS) buckles or cuff's?)
I saw one last weekend in Maryland at the huge guns show at the fairgrounds for 1100, the motto was professionaly ground off and it had the first type Boker marking with the group mark "I"...I passed as the scabbard coloring was touched up but I should have picked it up.