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Chained SS dagger, named and numbered.

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    Outstanding piece!
    The handle is great!!



      Hi Ade,
      Guess who is really jealous! Luckily "thou shalt not covet thy friends SS dagger" is not one of the comandments

      Best, Sal


        Hi Guys, I am bring this old thread about my dagger back to the top, as the past 48 hours has brought some new photos to light taken at Auschwitz. If you have missed the many threads on the forum about this historic find ( I think we have no less than 6!) here is a link:

        On this site there are no less that ten photos of Dr Lolling! For 19 years I have been looking, without sucess, for photos of him. Until earlier this year I had only one, then with the kind help of a forum member I was sent another one. As you can imagine I am very excited to see all these new pics. He can be seen second from the left in this pic.

        I have included a brief summary of his life.

        Cheers, Ade.

        SS-Standartenführer Dr. med Enno Lolling

        Born: 19.07.1888 in Köln.
        Suicide: 27.05.1945.

        NSDAP-Nr.: 4 691 483
        (Joined 1937)
        SS-Nr.: 179 765
        (Joined 1933)

        SS-Hauptsturmführer: 13.09.1936
        SS-Sturmbannführer: 20. 12. 1938
        SS-Obersturmbannführer: 1.09.1941
        SS-Standartenführer: 9.11.1943

        Joined the SS: 1933.

        Member of the Lebensborn Society.

        Joined the NSDAP: 1937.

        Lagerarzt (camp physician) at KL-Dachau: 1937 – 1941.

        Chef Amt D-III (Sanitätswesen und Lagerhygiene/ Sanitation and Camp Hygiene) / SS-Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungshauptamt, Oranienburg: 1942 – 1945.

        Decorations & Awards:
        1939 Spange zum 1914 Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse (Awarded Sept '39 while serving with SS Regt "Deutchsland")
        1914 Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse
        Kriegsverdienstkreuz I. Klasse mit Schwertern
        Kriegsverdienstkreuz II. Klasse mit Schwertern
        Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
        Entry in Austria medal
        Entry in Czechoslovakia medal with Prague bar.
        Ehrendegen des RF SS
        Totenkopfring der SS

        * Religion: Protestant
        * Married with Two sons

        2. Dr Enno Lolling:
        Stabsarzt in Reichsmarine 00.00.1914 - 00.00.1918
        Arzt (civilian) in Mecklenburg 00.00.0000 - 00.00.1939
        Chef Amt D III in SS-WVHA 00.03.1942 - 08.05.1945 (end of war)

        He was morphinist, he drank very often alcohol. In first time Pohl and Glücks wanted disposed Lollimg from his Amt as Chef Amt D III .
        3. Here’s Lolling’s entry from the Rangliste der Kaiserlich Deutschen Marine dated 12 May 1914:

        Rank: Marine-Unterarzt (equivalent rank of Unteroffizier mit Portepee): 01.03.1913
        Date of Entry: 01.04.1908
        Station: Baltic Sea Naval Station
        Duty Location: Charité Berlin
        4. Some supplements to Lolling:
        Joined SS 1933, he was incompetent as a physician in special knowledges.
        Amtschef Amt D III (Sanitätswesen und Lagerhygiene) / SS-WVHA since 16.03.1942.
        He was the medical superintendent of all KZ.
        Ordered in May 1942 the killing of the captives being incaple for work. In Winter 1942 he also ordered the killing of all sick captives needing more than four weeks for recovering.
        For the experiments of Prof Karl Gebhardt with sulfonamid in the "Frauen-KZ Ravensbrück" (after the death of Heydrich, who sufferd from sepsis) beginning in summer 1942 he commanded for supporting the Standortarzt FKZ Ravensbrück, SS-Obersturmführer Gerhard Schiedlauski, and the two Lagerärzte SS-Untersturmführer Rudolf Rosenthal and Hertha Oberheuser to Gebhardt.
        Visited 29.09.1943 with Prof. Ernst Günther Schenck the department for spotted fever in Buchenwald.
        Suicided in Flensburg.
        5 1905 abitur Osten
        1905 kaiser wilhelm akademie fur das Militararztliche Ausbildungswesen
        1.3.13 Marine unterarzt
        2.8.1914 med staats examen
        nov 1914 promotion Dr Med in Kiel
        14/18 schiffsarzt then truppenarzt in Flandern
        18.8.1918 marinestabsarzt
        31.1.1919 released from army
        1919 MD in Neustrelitz Strelitz
        28.8.1933 SS 179 765
        1.5.37 Party member 4 691 483
        from 33 HJ Gefolgschaftsarzt
        1936 may training as Marinestabsarzt
        1936 june Hauptamtlicher Arzt in San abt SS VT
        1.11.37 Arzt in SS lazarett Munchen Dachau
        11.4 to 18.4.37 Rasse u Erbbiologischer Lehrgang (race and heredity biologie courses)
        1.12.39 next to Feldlazarett T Division
        6.5.40 Lagerarzt KL Dachau
        12.2.41 einarbeitung zum Leitenden Arzt der KL Oranienburg kommandiert
        1.6.41 leitender arzt zur Inspektion der KL
        3.3.42 amtschef DIII
        deeply ill between 28.4.42 and 5.7.42
        27.5.45 Suicide in Reservelazarett Flensburg
        Attached Files


          Very interesting story and a great result for you. Always satisfying to connect a number with a real person and especially someone of some note, whether good or bad...

          I've looked at the album in question, some real scumbags pictured, it is frightening to see how 'normal' they seem..



            Must be quite strange to own the dagger of someone so closely associated with the death camps.

            Interesting story though, thanks for sharing pics of the dagger...super cheap price to! I'll give you double that for it!

            One question about the uniforms, would all these guys including mengele have white piping or would it be coloured e.g medical?



              Thanks for bringing this old thread back to life!
              What a wonderful(and scary) dagger!
              You must be very happy to own it.

              Very interesting to see all the photos of him as well.

              Best regards,


                well i have one thats in johnson's book BUT I MUST SAY I AM GREEN OVER THIS kind regards


                  Originally posted by LDR View Post
                  One question about the uniforms, would all these guys including mengele have white piping or would it be coloured e.g medical?
                  Hi Lewis, the waffenfarbe piping to the schirmutze would ( or should ) have been the universal white. The shoulder boards would have been piped in the light brown (Hellbraun) of the KL system.

                  But I wonder if some of them, such as Mengele, would have worn the blue of the medical branch? Looking at the pics, many of them seem to have worn the SS runes, when surely they should have, by regulation, worn the deathshead collar tabs of the camps??

                  Hi Guys, thank you for your comments. Owning the dagger is a strange experience is some ways. It is the highlight of my collection, but I never fail to forget what the original owner was involved with.

                  Cheers, Ade.



                    Do you have any information as to where or how you friend's uncle acquired the dagger?

                    If not, perhaps you can ID the veteran's unit and see what areas he would have be in around war's end. Possibly you could link the general location of the vet to known locations where the SS physician was, at or around the time of his suicide?

                    Nice piece and I bet you have really enjoyed researching and documenting it.


                      Hi Alan, the dagger being "liberated" by a British soldier fits exactly with Lolling's final location of Flensburg as this was within the area occupied by the British Army in May 1945. I have tried to call my friend tonight to give him the good news, but the phone number has been changed. I will have to drive over to see him. I know he will be thrilled by this too. I do recall him saying that his Uncle brought back a 1st pattern Luftwaffe dagger as well, but this was lost back in the '50's. It has indeed been a very enjoyable time researching the dagger.

                      Cheers, Ade.


                        Wonderful Dagger!


                        What splendid news for you to have multiple Photos of the original owner of your SS 36 Chained! Time & the NET .....are amazing, in what comes forth as new Knowledge. You have chased for Photos for so long, and now you are rewarded. I have SS Oberstrurmbannfuhrer Eugen Schlotter's 36 Chained ... and I constantly search for Photos of him. So, Good for you in this happenstance!

                        As for the 'person' himself .... the Dagger is only an Accoutrement / Item which he owned. No real need for anyone to get too deeply into that, in my opinion.

                        In today' age - we are blessed with almost Excessive knowledge, (information Overload) - and if that make some folks uncomfortable or squeemish, then this type of collecting is Not for them. It is a simple personal choice to choose what one wishes to Collect.

                        When I see a Tiger Tank or MG34 or MG42 displayed .....I don't immediately Stop to consider that this Tank or MG make have been a 'killing instrument' of 100's of Souls. The 'instruments' themselves, were devices made by men - for the purpose of eliminating other men. It took another man aim & pull the trigger.

                        Likewise, a Roman Galdius Sword or Greek Dagger or a Scimitar or Samuri Sword is proudly displayed in major museums - regardless that it may have been used to behead many of the 'enemy' of that time in history. (No mention of same is made - because..... of the general Lack of Information of the history of the Past. No D-Lists for those times are around, to my knowledge )

                        Ade, I am very pleased for you Personally, and pleased also for the Collecting Community in general, that these priceless photos of a 'capsule in time' have become known. We will learn a great deal from them - in many, many areas.

                        Knowlege is Power - the Power to understand, and to make decisions - & to draw conclusions. The owner of the Dagger would perhaps be classified as Sinister. But his Dagger, or Visor, or Runes, or any other items - are just those true Historical Artifacts, which are representative examples of this 'Time' in History.


                          116 Images from KZ Album....

                          In reading more, Each of the 116 Photos from the Album are UP for viewing, with

                          RARE opportunity to see the History: Dave/dblmed



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