Saturday I am aible to buy a very good conditioned 2nd Model Höller Luftw. The pommels supose to have a 100% gilted finish. I am not a novice, so I know most of the characteristics to look at. But check the swastika pommel on original gilting is not so easy. I know the look of the gilding from the Eickhorns but -if I am right- Their were not so many other companies that applied a quality gilding that held up very well? (besides smf of course).
So, any advice or pictures of other collectors who are familiar with gilded swasitka's are much appreciated.
Regards, Theo
Saturday I am aible to buy a very good conditioned 2nd Model Höller Luftw. The pommels supose to have a 100% gilted finish. I am not a novice, so I know most of the characteristics to look at. But check the swastika pommel on original gilting is not so easy. I know the look of the gilding from the Eickhorns but -if I am right- Their were not so many other companies that applied a quality gilding that held up very well? (besides smf of course).
So, any advice or pictures of other collectors who are familiar with gilded swasitka's are much appreciated.
Regards, Theo