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The German Chaplain

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    Originally posted by jmcm View Post
    The hat on estand was never offered to him with a cross on it, Thats a lie, I have just gotten that hat from an antique store with no cross! Get the facts straight! He was offered this hat before I listed it just the way it is shown. Joe
    Joe, as I told him, he should have bought yours instead.

    You can lead a horse to water....


      Mr Stonemint, I am polite with you, so stay polite with me .....
      If we can not ask an opinion on a forum, what is the purpose of a forum then ????
      So I stop this thread.

      Sorry Joe, it is not what I would is a typing error and understanding...
      Get even apologize.....




          Hi All!

          Sorry for the delay in response from me. Things are massively busy for me, and 9 times out of 10 I forget to respond to texts. I am very sorry. Also I have been out of German headgear for about 6 years now, so I am getting rusty on what is good and what is bad.

          howver with this hat, the cross has been added. The overall bend in the lower arm is nice, and very much to the originals. However you would need to see the cross up close now. Someone was on ebay selling a cast of an original a while ago. There was no ageing, but with time, the crosses they were selling would look good in a photo. The cross has been added post war. The Chaplain never had a cross on this cap. Look how close together all the insignia are. The photos of real hats had SPACE between the wreath and cross. They WERE NEVER SQUISHED TOGETHER EVEN IN BULLION!!!!!! NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER!!
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            Space again

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              Originally posted by dc9 View Post
              Hello All,

              eMedals has an interesting grouping up for sale, along with a helpful description. I hope it is OK for the images to be posted with the intent of preserving the pictures for future reference.

              WOW! That is the first real catholic chaplain cross I have seen outside the museum in Berlin. A VERY rare possibly one of a kind item. I've seen a fair number (and owned three) named Protestant crosses, but never a Catholic. The Protestant crosses are also very easy to reproduce if you get a mold of a good one. The big mistake they always make is the "bend" in the seams--they make it too nice (and tey stamp "junker" on everything). The Catholic crosses by comparison are three piece construction and much harder to make ( with real wood)




                Why havent this thread been pinned yet?

                Best regards


                  This is a excellent tread, like I use to favour when I was moderator on the buckle section :-) This tread should be pinned ... Thank you Chris for the time, effort and research you gave us !!!

                  I ad a few pictures of some of my stuff, good or bad, I think it has its place here.


                  Pictured, a old , early fake Janke.
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                    "Supposed" original set with denazified eagle. The cap is a regular enlisted model period "upgraded" to an officer.
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                      I do not remember if that's ever been posted. The uniform of the protestant Dienstältester MarineDekan Friedrich August Ronneberger from an italian auction seven years ago:


                      Biographical notes: Friedrich August Ronneberger was born in Kamenz in Saxony on September 21, 1886. He entered the Army already on September 14, 1914 and passed to the Navy War service as a chaplain in October 15, 1915 on many ships alternating periods of service in the church of the garrison of Wilhelmshaven ... He was a chaplain on several ships even in the period of peace, including the cruiser "Emden". On October 2, 1938 he was promoted "Marinedekan" and on December 11, 1939 "dienstältester Marinedekan". He saw active duty until 1956, with the German Empire, the Weimar Republic, the Third Reich and the Federal Republic of Germany, and died on June 16, 1968 in Wilhelmshaven.

                      Unfortunately I have no particular information about the other catholic Dienstältester MarineDekan Stanislaus Estevant, if not the Katholisches Gesang - Gebetbuch für die Kriegsmarine, with the imprimatur of the Katholische Feldbischof der Wehrmacht of December 14, 1941, he compiled with Marinepfarrer Rochus Schneider:


                      Best regards


                        To continue the excellent tread ... Some more Chaplain stuff... some might be good, others might be repro ... ??? Can anyone tel anymore ?
                        Just for info, as for some of my chaplain visors, chaplain documents and side caps I post, have posted and will post later here in this tread ... a few of these items are personally direct vet family acquirements ...
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                            Chappie konvolut was posted here:


                            The age old question--Sani oder Feldgeistlicher?
                            NEC SOLI CEDIT


                              Hello collector I am urgently looking for everything from German chaplains.

                              Please send me a message if you have something.

                              I am looking for urgently everything to pastors in the 2 WK

                              Thanks, friends


                                Here is a period photo of a Chaplain in which you can see the spacing of the cross in relation to the eagle and the wreath.

                                The back of the photo identifies the Officer as Pastor Falk, Frankforth.

                                Note the EK2 Spange on his EK2 buttonhole ribbon. He is a WWI veteran. Also he has a fencing scar on his left cheek.
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